Recipe 8 Capturing Tweets in Real-time with the Streaming API

8.1 Problem

You want to capture a stream of public tweets in real-time, optionally filtering by select screen names or keywords in the text of the tweet.

8.2 Solution

Use rtweet::stream_tweets().

8.3 Discussion

Michael has — once again — made it way too easy to work with Twitter’s API. The rtweet::stream_tweets() function has tons of handy options to help capture tweets in real time. The primary q parameter is very versatile and has four possible capture modes:

  • The default, q = "", returns a small random sample of all publicly available Twitter statuses.
  • To filter by keyword, provide a comma separated character string with the desired phrase(s) and keyword(s).
  • Track users by providing a comma separated list of user IDs or screen names.
  • Use four latitude/longitude bounding box points to stream by geo location. This must be provided via a vector of length 4, e.g., c(-125, 26, -65, 49).

Let’s capture one minute of tweets in the good ol’ U S of A (this is one of Michael’s examples from the manual page for rtweet::stream_tweets().

 Found 500 records...
 Found 1000 records...
 Found 1500 records...
 Found 1560 records...
 Imported 1560 records. Simplifying...

A 60 second stream resulted in well over 1,000 records.

Where are they tweeting from?

## # A tibble: 854 x 2
##    place_full_name         n
##    <chr>               <int>
##  1 Los Angeles, CA        35
##  2 Manhattan, NY          34
##  3 Houston, TX            29
##  4 North Carolina, USA    18
##  5 Texas, USA             18
##  6 Chicago, IL            15
##  7 Florida, USA           13
##  8 Georgia, USA           13
##  9 Indianapolis, IN       13
## 10 San Antonio, TX        13
## # ... with 844 more rows

What are they tweeting about?

## # A tibble: 541 x 2
##    hashtags       n
##    <chr>      <int>
##  1 job          346
##  2 CareerArc    294
##  3 Hiring       240
##  4 hiring       132
##  5 Job           74
##  6 Jobs          74
##  7 IT            20
##  8 Accounting    15
##  9 HR            14
## 10 Retail        12
## # ... with 531 more rows

What app are they using?

## # A tibble: 23 x 2
##    source                  n
##    <chr>               <int>
##  1 Twitter for iPhone    806
##  2 TweetMyJOBS           472
##  3 Twitter for Android   135
##  4 Twitter Web Client     46
##  5 Instagram              40
##  6 Twitter for iPad       19
##  7 Foursquare              8
##  8 Tweetbot for iΟS        8
##  9 Cities                  6
## 10 "Beer Menus "           3
## # ... with 13 more rows

Michael covers the streaming topic in-depth in a vignette.