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@visualisingdata rebroadcast this tweet today:

The Google Maps interface is a bit meh and the “formatted” data is also a bit meh but the data is useful when travelling (NOTE: always use a VPN in airports on both your mobile devices and laptops).

You don’t need their app or online access to take advantage of this data if you’re willing to do a tiny bit of work. apply

You’ll find an R-generated version of the airport Wi-Fi finder below or via this direct link.

The premise is simple:

  • grab the airport data KML that the Google Maps interface uses (NOTE: Visit the original URL from the Tweet occasionally to see if the KML URL changes)
  • make cleaner, more formatted text for the popups
  • toss up a leaflet map
  • add a searchable DT::datatable interface
  • render the R markdown page to HTML and keep it with you
  • refresh the generated HTML right before you go on your world tour

The code is directly embedded in the generated R markdown document and also in this gist so I won’t pollute this post with code blocks.

I’m hoping @bhaskar_vk will apply his mad, l33t Leaflet h@x0r $k1llz to this crude, quick hack and kick this up a notch as there is substantial room for improvement. If you give that a go as well, drop a note in the comments or on Twitter. Some ideas for improvement:

  • better markers (please, not those airplane ones :-)
  • way better text cleanup
  • link the table and map (I think that means using Shiny but I’m likely wrong about that)
  • make it better on mobile (it works on mobile but there are different design considerations to make it more usable on tiny glowing rectangles)
  • make a “trip planner” Shiny app, letting folks select their airports and produce a handy digital reference card for them as they move about the globe

Back in 2014 I blogged about first snowfall dates for a given U.S. state. It’s April 1, 2017 and we’re slated to get 12-18″ of snow up here in Maine and @mrshrbrmstr asked how often this — snow in May — has occurred near us.

As with all of these “R⁶ posts, expository is minimal and the focus is generally to demonstrate one small concept.

What I’ve done here (first) is make a full tidyverse update to the snowfirst code posted in the aforementioned blog post. You’ll need to clone that repo if you’re trying to work verbatim from the code below (otherwise just change file path code):


pre <- find_rstudio_root_file()

# Get and read in Maine precip ------------------------------------------------------

URL <- ""
fil <- file.path(pre, "data", basename(URL))
if (!file.exists(fil)) download.file(URL, fil)

read_fwf(file = fil,
         col_positions = fwf_widths(c(6, 4, 2, 4, rep(c(5, 1, 1, 1), 31)),
                                    col_names = c("coop_id", "year", "month", "element",
                                                  flatten_chr(map(1:31, ~paste("r_", c("v", "fm", "fq", "fs"),
                                                                               .x, sep=""))))),
         col_types = paste0("ciic", paste0(rep("iccc", 31), collapse=""), collapse=""),
         na = c("", "NA", "-", "-9999")) %>%
  gather(day, value, starts_with("r_v")) %>%
  select(-starts_with("r_")) %>%
  mutate(day = as.numeric(stri_replace_first_fixed(day, "r_v", ""))) %>%
  mutate(date = sprintf("%s-%02d-%02d", year, month, day)) -> daily_wx

# Read in stations ------------------------------------------------------------------

URL <- ""
fil <- file.path(pre, "data", basename(URL))
if (!file.exists(fil)) download.file(URL, fil)

read_fwf(file = file.path(pre, "data", "ushcn-stations.txt"),
         col_positions = fwf_widths(c(6, 9, 10, 7, 3, 31, 7, 7, 7, 3),
                                    col_names = c("coop_id", "latitude", "longitude",
                                                  "elevation", "state", "name",
                                                  "component_1", "component_2",
                                                  "component_3", "utc_offset")),
         col_types = "cdddcccccc") -> stations

closestStation <- function(stations, lat, lon, restrict_to = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(restrict_to)) stations <- filter(stations, state == restrict_to)
  index <- which.min(sqrt((stations$latitude-lat)^2 +

# compute total snow amounts per month ----------------------------------------------

(near_me <- closestStation(stations, 43.2672, -70.8617, restrict_to="ME"))

Now that we have the data, the short lesson here is just exposing the fact that you can get blank facets for free with ggplot2. I’m pointing this out as many folks seem to not like reading R documentation or miss things in said documentation (in fact, I had to be instructed today by @thomasp85 about a ggplot2 theme element setting that I didn’t know about and should have since I do try to keep up).

filter(daily_wx, coop_id == near_me$coop_id, element=="SNOW", value>0) %>%
  count(year, month, wt=value) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
    n = n / 10, # readings are in 10ths of inches
    date = as.Date(sprintf("%s-%02d-01", year, month)),
    month_name = lubridate::month(date, TRUE, FALSE)
  ) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=date, y=n)) +
  geom_segment(aes(xend=date, yend=0), size=0.75, color="#9ecae1") +
  scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0, 65)) +
  facet_wrap(~month_name, ncol=3, drop=FALSE, scales="free") +
  labs(x=NULL, y="inches", title="Total snowfall in a given month by year",
       subtitle="Data for Station id 176905 — Portland (Maine) Jetport") +
  theme_ipsum_rc(grid="Y", axis_text_size=8)

Without ggplot2 helping us out we would have had to do some work to have those no-value facets to show up. I also like how there are no x-axis labels since there’s no data. ggplot2::facet_wrap() has many, very granular options for customizing the appearance of facets:

facet_wrap(facets, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, scales = "fixed",
           shrink = TRUE, labeller = "label_value", as.table = TRUE,
           switch = NULL, drop = TRUE, dir = "h", strip.position = "top")

If you haven’t played with them, you can use this example to try them out.


Even though that visualization gets the message across, I kinda like this view a bit better:

filter(daily_wx, coop_id == near_me$coop_id, element=="SNOW", value>0) %>%
  count(year, month, wt=value) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(n = n / 10) %>%
  complete(year, month=1:12) %>%
    date = as.Date(sprintf("%s-%02d-01", year, month)),
    month_name = factor(lubridate::month(date, TRUE, FALSE), levels=rev(
  ) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(year, month_name)) +
  geom_tile(aes(fill=n), color="#b2b2b2", size=0.15) +
  scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0.15), position="top") +
  viridis::scale_fill_viridis(name = "Total inches", na.value="white") +
  labs(x=NULL, y=NULL, title="Total snowfall in a given month by year",
       subtitle="Data for Station id 176905 — Portland (Maine) Jetport") +
  theme_ipsum_rc(grid="", axis_text_size = 10) +
  guides(fill=guide_colourbar(label.position = "top", direction = "horizontal", title.vjust = 0)) +
  theme(legend.title = element_text(size=10)) +
  theme(legend.key.height = unit(0.5, "lines")) +
  theme(legend.position = c(0.9, 1.25))

The precision is lacking in the heatmap view, but you get a quick impression of when it has/hasn’t snowed. Plus you get to use viridis ?

All the updated code in in the snowfirst repo.

Crank you your own, small code snippets or ideas to the R community. R⁶ is an open tag and perhaps we can band together to make a distributed cadre of helpful, digestible posts the R community can benefit from.

@eddelbuettel’s idea is a good one. (it’s a quick read…jump there and come back). We’ll avoid confusion and call it R⁶ over here. Feel free to don the superclass.

I often wait for a complete example or new package announcement to blog something when a briefly explained snippet might have sufficient utility for many R users. Also, tweets are fleeting and twitter could end up on the island of misfit social media sites if it can’t generate revenue or find a giant buyer this year. Don’t get me wrong, twitter convos are fine/useful, but blogs are at least semi-permanent, especially if you let them be hoovered up by the Internet Archive (“Save Page Now” on their site or use this handy Chrome extension).

I’ll tag all R⁶ posts as “r6” if you want to auto-filter those out of your stream or just page through them.

I’ll also lead off the these micro-posts with a simple one: adding progress bars to your tidyverse purrr operations.

The purrr::map* functions enable expressive and type-safe vectorized operations. Mine are usually over a few million/billion IPv4 addresses or domain names/URLs and often involve moderately lengthy tasks so I usually add the ability to incorporate progress bars to functions I make (and, I’m trying hard to get out of the bad habit of long-ish anonymous functions in purrr calls). The following is a toy example, but it’s a working example you can run in your interactive R session now:


arduously_long_nchar <- function(input_var, .pb=NULL) {
  if ((!is.null(.pb)) && inherits(.pb, "Progress") && (.pb$i < .pb$n)) .pb$tick()$print()

pb <- progress_estimated(length(letters))

map_int(letters, arduously_long_nchar, .pb=pb)

And, yes, I did make you wait ~26 seconds (unless you were intrepid enough to reduce the amount of sleep time :-)

If you happen to forget the progress bar object (or know you don’t need one):

map_int(letters, arduously_long_nchar)

the function still works (sans progress bars).

If you happen to also mess up what you pass in to the .pb parameter or get your progress bar out of sync with your object it won’t error out on you (it can be made much safer and wrapped in another function, say — tick_off(.pb) — but this is supposed to be a small post).

Comments/feedback/your-own-progress-methods are most welcome and encouraged.