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Category Archives: Site News

Not flagging this with an “R” tag since I don’t want to spam R-bloggers but I mentioned here that I’d be disabling logging on and and I wanted to follow up on that with an addendum that I’ve opted to disable user/system tracking in the access logs of both those sites vs just drop access logs entirely.

I’ve configured nginx with ipscrub and have defined a new log_format:

log_format special '$remote_addr_ipscrub - [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent';

that anonymizes the incoming IP address and does not log referrer (it only logs what you see above).

That way I can get usage info without tracking you b/c I rly have no need for the extra info.

It was super-easy to install and I can recommend it for anyone who runs nginx and wants to avoid capturing information you really don’t need to measure engagement.

Even though I really liked Origin, the performance issues associated with it were just too much to debug and I have a ton of other work to do. Back to Frank it is. Page loads are much faster and there are far fewer warnings in Google’s PageSpeed diagnostics (and the remaining ones I can live with).


As a result of a prod by @djbphaedrus I’m off to the Bahrain International eGovernment Forum this week to host a two hour workshop on “information risk reality”. As a result, blogging & tweeting will be at significantly reduced levels, so enjoy the brief respite from my blatherings while you can :-)

If you happen to be in Bahrain while I’m there, drop me a note and I’m sure I can find time between Tuesday night and Thursday afternoon to say hello!

Feedburner has borked the old RSS feed for the site and has completely disassociated me from it (meaning it’s no longer in my Google Feedburner admin options and they won’t let me re-claim it).

So… the new feed link is

Apologies for any inconvenience.

If anyone is experiencing the “Are you sure…” problem when trying to upload media to your WordPress blog, it’s usually due to a wonky plugin. In my case it was “Google Analytics 3 codes for WordPress”. Hopefully this helps others who are searching for a resolution to the problem.

A swirling mass of shiny new objects has caught my attention this year. Carving out a more dedicated space to document, opine and discuss.