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Not flagging this with an “R” tag since I don’t want to spam R-bloggers but I mentioned here that I’d be disabling logging on and and I wanted to follow up on that with an addendum that I’ve opted to disable user/system tracking in the access logs of both those sites vs just drop access logs entirely.

I’ve configured nginx with ipscrub and have defined a new log_format:

log_format special '$remote_addr_ipscrub - [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent';

that anonymizes the incoming IP address and does not log referrer (it only logs what you see above).

That way I can get usage info without tracking you b/c I rly have no need for the extra info.

It was super-easy to install and I can recommend it for anyone who runs nginx and wants to avoid capturing information you really don’t need to measure engagement.

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  1. […] past two posts have used R to look at the safety/security (just assume those terms are in scare quotes from now on […]

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