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Category Archives: iot

I listen to @NPR throughout the day (on most days) and a story on Ohmconnect piqued my interest (it aired 5 days prior to this post). The TLDR on Ohmconnect is that it ostensibly helps you save energy by making you more aware of consumption and can be enabled to control various bits of IoT you have in your abode to curtail wanton power usage.

OK. So…?

Such a service requires access to (possibly many) accounts and devices to facilitate said awareness and control. Now, it’s 2017 and there’s this thing called OAuth that makes giving such access quite a bit safer than it was in the “old days” when you pretty much had to give your main username and password out to “connect” things.

It — apparently — is not 2017 wherever Ohmconnect developers reside since they ask for your credentials to every service and integration you want enabled. Don’t believe me? Take a look:

That’s just from (mostly) the non-thermostat integrations. They ask for your credentials for all services. That’s insane.

I can understand that they may need power company credentials since such industries are usually far behind the curve when it comes to internet-enablement. That doesn’t mean it’s A Good Thing to provide said credentials, but it’s a necessary evil when a service provider has no support for OAuth and you really want to use some integration to their portal.

Virtually all of the possible Ohmconnect-supported service integrations have OAuth support. Here’s a list of the ones that do/dont:

OAuth Support:

Appears to have no OAuth Support:

  • Lennox
  • Lutron
  • Radio Thermostat (Filtrete)
  • Revolv
  • WeMo

NOTE: The ones labeled as having no OAuth support may have either commercial OAuth support or hidden OAuth support. I’ll gladly modify the post if you leave a comment with official documentation showing they have OAuth support.

On the plus side, Ohmconnect developers now have some links they can follow to learn about OAuth and fix their woefully insecure service.

Why Are Credentials Bad?

Ohmconnect has to store your credentials for other services either in the clear or in some way that’s easy for them to reverse/decode. That means when criminals breach their servers (yes, when) they’ll get access to all the credentials you’ve entered on all those sites. Even if you’re one of the few who don’t use the same password everywhere and manage credentials in an app like @1Password it’s still both a pain to change them and you’ll be at risk during whatever the time-period is between breach and detection (which can be a very long time).

In the highly unlikely event they are doing the OAuth in the background for you (a complete violation of OAuth principles) they still take and process (and, likely store) your credentials for that transaction.

Either way, the request for and use of credentials is either (at best) a naive attempt at simplifying the user experience or (at worse) a brazen disregard for accepted norms for modern user-service integration for non-obvious reasons.

NOTE: I say “when” above as this would be a lovely target of choice for thieves given the types of data it can collect and the demographic that’s likely to use it.

What Can You Do?

Well, if you’re a current Ohmconnect you can cancel your account and change all the credentials for the services you connected. Yes, I’m being serious. If you really like their service, contact customer support and provide the above links and demand that they use OAuth instead.

You should absolutely not connect the devices/services that are on the “Appears to have no OAuth Support” list above to any third-party service if that service needs your credentials to make the connection. There’s no excuse for a cloud-based service to not support OAuth and there are plenty of choices for home/device control. Pick another brand and use it instead.

If you aren’t an Ohmconnect user, I would not sign up until they support OAuth. By defaulting to the “easy” use of username & password they are showing they really don’t take your security & privacy seriously and that means they really don’t deserve your business.


It is my firm belief that @NPR should either remove the story or issue guidance along with it in text and in audio form. They showcased this company and have all but directly encouraged listeners to use it. Such recommendations should come after much more research, especially security-focused research (they can ask for help with that from many orgs that will give them good advice for free).

In case you’re wondering, I did poke them about this on Twitter immediately after the NPR story and my initial signup attempt but they ignored said poke.

I’m also not providing any links to them given their lax security practices.