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Category Archives: athena

I must preface this post with the posit that if you’re doing anything interactive() with Amazon Athena you should seriously consider just using their free ODBC drivers as it’s the easiest way to wire them up to R DBI- and tidyverse-wise. I’ve said as much in previous posts. Drop a note in the comments if you don’t know the incantations for repackaging the provided Linux ODBC drivers to work on your flavor of Linux.


There are times—say, when you’re trying to stand up an R service in your kubernetes cluster which bridges data in Athena to analyses & visualizations in R—when ODBC drivers can be more of a hindrance than help and JDBC is the path of least resistance.

Sure, there’s the in-CRAN AWR.Athena package but it’s a fairly constrained and low-feature RJDBC shim which gets the basic job done but not much more.


a trio of packages which aims to make it super-straightforward to wire up R to Amazon Athena when ODBC is not available.

Why Three Packages?

For starters, there are CRAN hopes for the metis-trio and one key component of that is separating out the JARs into one package (metis.jars) and actual functionality into others (metis and metis.tidy). We’ll see how the CRAN attempt goes since the JAR package weighs in at sufficient weight to warrant a NOTE. The packaging of the driver reduces the need for you to pre-load the JAR (locally or into, say, a Docker image) or perform a package-initiated download-dance like AWR.Athena does (which I still don’t understand why that hasn’t kicked it out of CRAN the way it does it but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯).

metis.jars also has three helper functions which do some (basic) fun things:


## [1] ""

##  [1] "BOOLEAN"   "TINYINT"   "SMALLINT"  "INT"       "INTEGER"  
##  [6] "BIGINT"    "REAL"      "FLOAT"     "DOUBLE"    "DECIMAL"  
## [11] "DATE"      "TIMESTAMP" "BINARY"    "VARBINARY" "CHAR"     
## [16] "VARCHAR"   "STRING"    "ARRAY"     "MAP"       "ROW"      
## [21] "STRUCT"   

## [1] "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/library/metis.jars/java/AthenaJDBC42_2.0.6.jar"

The first uses the rJava interface to directly query the version (since Amazon seems to update the Simba JAR twice a year). By separating out the JAR into a separate package, updates can be made to the other two sibling packages more frequently without crushing CRAN’s disk space. metis.jars is also versioned to the included JAR so configuration management will be easier for folks.

The reason for the second type-lister function is that there’s hope Amazon will add support for all Presto data types, especially IPADDRESS. It, again, performs JDBC driver introspection to collect the supported types.

Finally, the third function abstracts the JAR location from the metis package or even your own interface package should you choose to depend on it.

OK, But Why Not Just Two?

The metis package is a more functional RJDBC superclass of a DBI wrapper than AWR.Athena. One thing it does that its CRAN cousin cannot is handle BIGINTs properly:


  Schema = "sampledb",
  AwsCredentialsProviderClass = "com.simba.athena.amazonaws.auth.PropertiesFileCredentialsProvider",
  AwsCredentialsProviderArguments = path.expand("~/.aws/athenaCredentials.props")
) -> con

dbGetQuery(con, "
  CAST('chr' AS CHAR(4)) achar,
  CAST('varchr' AS VARCHAR) avarchr,
  CAST(SUBSTR(timestamp, 1, 10) AS DATE) AS tsday,
  CAST(100.1 AS DOUBLE) AS justadbl,
  CAST(127 AS TINYINT) AS asmallint,
  CAST(100 AS INTEGER) AS justanint,
  CAST(100000000000000000 AS BIGINT) AS abigint,
  CAST(('GET' = 'GET') AS BOOLEAN) AS is_get,
  ARRAY[1, 2, 3] AS arr1,
  ARRAY['1', '2, 3', '4'] AS arr2,
  MAP(ARRAY['foo', 'bar'], ARRAY[1, 2]) AS mp,
  CAST(ROW(1, 2.0) AS ROW(x BIGINT, y DOUBLE)) AS rw,
  CAST('{\"a\":1}' AS JSON) js
FROM elb_logs
") %>% 
## Observations: 1
## Variables: 13
## $ achar     <chr> "chr "
## $ avarchr   <chr> "varchr"
## $ tsday     <date> 2014-09-29
## $ justadbl  <dbl> 100.1
## $ asmallint <int> 127
## $ justanint <int> 100
## $ abigint   <S3: integer64> 100000000000000000
## $ is_get    <lgl> TRUE
## $ arr1      <chr> "1, 2, 3"
## $ arr2      <chr> "1, 2, 3, 4"
## $ mp        <chr> "{bar=2, foo=1}"
## $ rw        <chr> "{x=1, y=2.0}"
## $ js        <chr> "\"{\\\"a\\\":1}\""

PrestoAthena arrays and maps and rows and JSON come across as characters from the Athena driver and they’re formatted so badly that there’s little hope of full R support for list columns for them. But, you do get real, big integers with metis along with full support for all other current Athena types.

R folk who may be users of the old, standalone metis package need to be aware of some things.

First, dbConnect() has breaking changes. The snake_case names that still exist in the higher-level athena_jdbc() function are gone. In exchange for this pain, you now have full naming-parity with all the Athena JDBC connection properties and can more easily use alternate credential providers which metis‘ cousin totally cannot do for you which is illustrated in the example above and in the package README.

The metis package also makes it easier to see documentation for all available Athena connection properties since it has a vignette with a descriptive table of all of them (rendered here).

There is also nascent support for the “streaming API” (TLDR: faster result set downloads) but that won’t be fully tested until some AWS policy tweaks happen this week.

Gotcha. But, Why Not Just Two?

As awesome as it is (including base Docker image support) the tidyverse is not without overhead in terms of compilation time and dependencies, both of which are especially painful on Linux systems and some Docker environments. You can absolutely get by with some well-crafted SQL and JDBC and the thinner the image the easier it is to deploy and scale.

But! The tidyverse is so helpful that ensuring smooth support for Athena is critical. On its own, metis wires up to dplyr/dbplyr fine, but by providing (in metis.tidy) some enhanced db_data_type() support (primarily for BIGINT) and some extra 💙 in sql_translate_env() )for those of us who continue to mindlessly use R-only verbs like grep() or as.POSIXct() in non-R contexts) we can level-up interactive() use and tidyverse-infused service use:


  Schema = "sampledb",
  AwsCredentialsProviderClass = "com.simba.athena.amazonaws.auth.PropertiesFileCredentialsProvider",
  AwsCredentialsProviderArguments = path.expand("~/.aws/athenaCredentials.props")
) -> con

elb_logs <- tbl(con, "elb_logs")

filter(elb_logs, grepl("20", elbresponsecode)) %>%
    tsday = as.Date(substring(timestamp, 1L, 10L)),
    host = url_extract_host(url),
    proto_version = regexp_extract(protocol, "([[:digit:]\\.]+)"),
  ) %>%
  select(tsday, host, receivedbytes, requestprocessingtime, proto_version) %>%
  head(1) %>%
## Observations: ??
## Variables: 5
## Database: AthenaConnection
## $ tsday                 <date> 2014-09-29
## $ host                  <chr> ""
## $ receivedbytes         <S3: integer64> 0
## $ requestprocessingtime <dbl> 9.5e-05
## $ proto_version         <chr> "1.1"


A fairly big impetus for this radical refactoring was the need to use the Athena JDBC interface in R at $DAYJOB in a serverless context. So, if I/we needed it, others may as well. All three packages have tests (that work with my personal Athena setup which is easily replicated since it’s just the default schema & table you get when you enable Athena), pass CRAN checks and will be live in a real production environment by the time you read this.

Note that I do have CRAN plans for these three amigos, but all three packages will need to go in at the same time and I need to get tests into- and prove tests are live in Travis before submitting. Now’s the time for feature requests, problem reports or issues. Until SourceHut’s ( API is finished, said contributions are best left to GitLab (preferably) or GitHub (if you must continue to fill the coffers of giant multional companies that undermine your freedom).


One other reason for re-visiting metis was this R-crashing rJava issue that is really a Simba Athena implementation issue (OS signals in a JDBC driver, rly?)

This Rprofile entry:

  "java.parameters" = c(getOption("java.parameters", default = NULL), "-Xrs")

has been a solid workaround until rJava is updated. Note that metis.jars warns about this on load if it detects your setup is at risk.

Apache Zeppelin is a “notebook” alternative to Jupyter (and other) notebooks. It supports a plethora of kernels/interpreters and can do a ton of things that this post isn’t going to discuss (perhaps future ones will, especially since it’s the first “notebook” environment I’ve been able to tolerate for longer than a week).

One really cool feature of Zeppelin is the ability for it to wire it up to databases via JDBC and use it interactive queries. A future post will provide instructions for Apache Drill, but this one’s about wiring up Amazon Athena and Apache Zeppelin. A big reason to do this is that image at the top of the post. The query interface is far nicer than the Amazon console and — while RStudio is going to have similar features in the 1.2 release — Zeppelin has some advantages over it, especially as 0.9.0 moves to final release.

If you use basic credentials in Athena, this post can help you connect up.

At $DAYJOB we use an open source application that we developed — Awsaml? at $DAYJOB — which provides automagically rotated temporary AWS credentials every hour after a successful initial multi-factor authentication (you should think about doing this, too).

Because it uses a non default profile name we need to use a different authentication class when using the Athena JDBC interface.

To somewhat dup the aforelinked post, you’ll need to download the driver that matches your version of the JDK and the JDBC data standards.

I like to put JARs like this in /usr/local/jars (just remember where you put it).

Now, just create a Zeppelin interpreter named athena (or whatever you like). Set the default.driver to com.simba.athena.jdbc.Driver and the JDBC string to this horribly long entity:


I intentionally left it un-wrapped so it’s easier to copy. Here are the individual parts (separating the bullets at the semicolons):

  • jdbc:awsathena:// (use what you need to here)
  • S3OutputLocation=s3://aws-athena-query-results-something-us-east-1 (wherever Athena can write to)
  • Schema=default (the schema you’ll use)
  • AwsCredentialsProviderClass=com.simba.athena.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider (this is the proper class to select a profile by name)
  • AwsCredentialsProviderArguments="your-profile-name" (this is the profile name you want to use)

NOTE: You can use other JDBC driver parameters as well. I just focused on the minimum ones to keep it simple.

Blank-out any username/password fields (which, in theory, won’t be referenced anyway) and then scroll down and add the JAR you’re using an artifact. In my case that’s /usr/local/jars/AthenaJDBC42_2.0.2.jar.

Now, you can use a stored profile and hopefully rotating creds to work with %athena interpreter blocks in Zeppelin.

A previous post explored how to deal with Amazon Athena queries asynchronously. The function presented is a beast, though it is on purpose (to provide options for folks).

In reality, nobody really wants to use rJava wrappers much anymore and dealing with icky Python library calls directly just feels wrong, plus Python functions often return truly daft/ugly data structures. R users deserve better than that.

R is not a first-class citizen in Amazon-land and while the cloudyr project does a fine job building native-R packages for various Amazon services, the fact remains that the official Amazon SDKs are in other languages. The reticulate package provides an elegant interface to Python so it seemed to make sense to go ahead and wrap the boto3 Athena client into something more R-like and toss in the collect_async() function for good measure.


I forced a dependency on Python 3.5 because friends don’t let friends rely on dated, fragmented ecosystems. Python versions can gracefully (mostly) coexist so there should be no pain/angst associated with keeping an updated Python 3 environment around. As noted in the package, I highly recommend adding RETICULATE_PYTHON=/usr/local/bin/python3 to your R environment (~/.Renviron is a good place to store it) since it will help reticulate find the proper target.

If boto3 is not installed, you will need to do pip3 install boto3 to ensure you have the necessary Python module available and associated with your Python 3 installation.

It may seem obvious, but an Amazon AWS account is also required and you should be familiar with the Athena service and AWS services in general. Most of the roto.athena functions have a set of optional parameters:

  • aws_access_key_id
  • aws_secret_access_key
  • aws_session_token
  • region_name
  • profile_name

Ideally, these should be in setup in the proper configuration files and you should let boto3 handle the details of retrieving them. One parameter you will see used in many of my examples is profile_name = "personal". I have numerous AWS accounts and manage them via the profile ids. By ensuring the AWS configuration files are thoroughly populated, I avoid the need to load and pass around the various keys and/or tokens most AWS SDK API calls require. You can read more about profile management in the official docs: 1, 2.


The project README and package manual pages are populated and have a smattering of usage examples. It is likely you will really just want to execute a manually prepared SQL query and retrieve the results or do the dplyr dance and collect the results asynchronously. We’ll cover both of those use-cases now, starting with a manual SQL query.

If you have not deleted it, your Athena instance comes with a sampledb that contains an elb_logs table. We’ll use that for our example queries. First, let’s get the packages we’ll be using out of the way:

library(DBI) # for dplyr access later
library(odbc) # for dplyr access later
library(roto.athena) # hrbrmstr/roto.athena on gh or gl
library(tidyverse) # b/c it rocks

Now, we’ll prepare and execute the query. This is a super-simple one:

query <- "SELECT COUNT(requestip) AS ct FROM elb_logs"

  query = query,
  database = "sampledb",
  output_location = "s3://aws-athena-query-results-redacted",
  profile = "personal"
) -> qex_id

The qex_id contains the query execution id. We can pass that along to get information on the status of the query:

get_query_execution(qex_id, profile = "personal") %>%
## Observations: 1
## Variables: 10
## $ query_execution_id   "7f8d8bd6-9fe6-4a26-a021-ee10470c1048"
## $ query                "SELECT COUNT(requestip) AS ct FROM elb_logs"
## $ output_location      "s3://aws-athena-query-results-redacted/7f...
## $ database             "sampledb"
## $ state                "RUNNING"
## $ state_change_reason  NA
## $ submitted            "2018-07-20 11:06:06.468000-04:00"
## $ completed            NA
## $ execution_time_ms    NA
## $ bytes_scanned        NA

If the state is not SUCCEEDED then you’ll need to be patient before trying to retrieve the results.

get_query_results(qex_id, profile = "personal")
## # A tibble: 1 x 1
##   ct             
## 1 4229

Now, we’ll use dplyr via the Athena ODBC driver:

  driver = "/Library/simba/athenaodbc/lib/libathenaodbc_sbu.dylib",
  Schema = "sampledb",
  AwsRegion = "us-east-1",
  AwsProfile = "personal",
  AuthenticationType = "IAM Profile",
  S3OutputLocation = "s3://aws-athena-query-results-redacted"
) -> con

elb_logs <- tbl(con, "elb_logs")

I've got the ODBC DBI fragment in a parameterized RStudio snippet and others may find that as a time-saver if you're not doing that already.

Now to build and submit the query:

mutate(elb_logs, tsday = substr(timestamp, 1, 10)) %>%
  filter(tsday == "2014-09-29") %>%
  select(requestip, requestprocessingtime) %>%
    database = "sampledb",
    output_location = "s3://aws-athena-query-results-redacted",
    profile_name = "personal"
  ) -> qex_id

As noted in the previous blog post, collect_async() turn the dplyr chain into a SQL query then fires off the whole thing to start_query_execution() for you and returns the query execution id:

get_query_execution(qex_id, profile = "personal") %>%
## Observations: 1
## Variables: 10
## $ query_execution_id   "95bd158b-7790-42ba-aa83-e7436c3470fe"
## $ query                "SELECT \"requestip\", \"requestprocessing...
## $ output_location      "s3://aws-athena-query-results-redacted/95...
## $ database             "sampledb"
## $ state                "RUNNING"
## $ state_change_reason  NA
## $ submitted            "2018-07-20 11:06:12.817000-04:00"
## $ completed            NA
## $ execution_time_ms    NA
## $ bytes_scanned        NA

Again, you'll need to be patient and wait for the state to be SUCCEEDED to retrieve the results.

get_query_results(qex_id, profile = "personal")
## # A tibble: 774 x 2
##    requestip       requestprocessingtime
##  1              0.0000900
##  2              0.0000970
##  3             0.0000870
##  4             0.0000940
##  5              0.0000760
##  6              0.0000830
##  7             0.0000630
##  8             0.0000540
##  9              0.0000820
## 10               0.0000870
## # ... with 764 more rows

You can also use the query execution id to sync the resultant CSV from S3. Which one is more performant is definitely something you'll need to test since it varies with AWS region, result set size, your network connection and other environment variables. One benefit of using get_query_results() is that it uses the column types to set the data frame column types appropriately (I still need to setup a full test of all possible types so not all are handled yet).

Kick the tyres

The package is up on both GitLab and GitHub and any and all feedback (i.e. Issues) or tweaks (i.e. PRs) are most welcome.

I’ve blogged about how to use Amazon Athena with R before and if you are a regular Athena user, you’ve likely run into a situation where you prepare a dplyr chain, fire off a collect() and then wait.

And, wait.

And, wait.

And, wait.

Queries that take significant processing time or have large result sets do not play nicely with the provided ODBC and JDBC drivers. This means “hung” R sessions and severe frustration, especially when you can login to the AWS Athena console and see that the results are right there!!

I’ve been crafting SQL by hand or using sql_render() by hand to avoid this (when I remember to) but finally felt sufficient frustration to craft a better way, provided you can install and run rJava-based code (it’s 2018 and that still is not an easy given on many systems unfortunately).

There are two functions below:

  • collect_async(), and
  • gather_results()

The collect_async() function is designed to be used like collect() but uses Athena components from the AWS SDK for Java to execute the SQL query behind the dplyr chain asynchronously. The companion function gather_results() takes the object created by collect_async() and checks to see if the results are ready. If if they are, it will use the aws.s3 package to download them. Personally, I’d just aws s3 sync ... from the command line vs use the aws.s3 package but that’s not everyone’s cup of tea.

Once I figure out the best package API for this I’ll add it to the metis package. There are many AWS idiosyncrasies that need to be accounted for and I’d rather ship this current set of functions via the blog so folks can use it (and tweak it to their needs) before waiting for perfection.

Here’s the code:


#' Collect Amazon Athena query results asynchronously
#' Long running Athena queries and Athena queries with large result
#' sets can seriously stall a `dplyr` processing chain due to poorly
#' implemented ODBC and JDBC drivers. The AWS SDK for Athena has 
#' methods that support submitting a query asynchronously for "batch"
#' processing. All Athena resutls are stored in CSV files in S3 and it's
#' easy to use the R `aws.s3` package to grab these or perform an
#' `aws s3 sync ...` operation on the command line.
#' @md
#' @param obj the `dplyr` chain
#' @param schema Athena schema (usually matches the `Schema` parameter to the 
#'        Simba ODBC connection)
#' @param region Your AWS region. All lower case with dashes (usually matches
#'        the `AwsRegion` parameter to the Simba ODBC connection)
#' @param results_bucket the S3 results bucket where query results are stored 
#'        (usually matches the `S3OutputLocation` parameter to the Simba ODBC
#'        connection)
#' @return a `list` with the query execution ID and the S3 bucket. This object
#'         is designed to be passed to the companion `gather_results()` if you
#'         want to use the `aws.s3` package to retrieve the results. Otherwise,
#'         sync the file however you want using the query execution id.
#' @note You may need to change up the authentication provider depending on how 
#'       you use credentials with Athena
collect_async <- function(obj, schema, region, results_bucket) {

  ugly_query <- as.character(sql_render(obj))

  region <- toupper(region)
  region <- gsub("-", "_", region, fixed=TRUE)

  regions <- J("com.amazonaws.regions.Regions")

  available_regions <- grep("^[[:upper:][:digit:]_]+$", names(regions), value=TRUE)
  if (!region %in% available_regions) stop("Invalid region.", call.=FALSE)

    "GovCloud" = regions$GovCloud,
    "US_EAST_1" = regions$US_EAST_1,
    "US_EAST_2" = regions$US_EAST_2,
    "US_WEST_1" = regions$US_WEST_1,
    "US_WEST_2" = regions$US_WEST_2,
    "EU_WEST_1" = regions$EU_WEST_1,
    "EU_WEST_2" = regions$EU_WEST_2,
    "EU_WEST_3" = regions$EU_WEST_3,
    "EU_CENTRAL_1" = regions$EU_CENTRAL_1,
    "AP_SOUTH_1" = regions$AP_SOUTH_1,
    "AP_SOUTHEAST_1" = regions$AP_SOUTHEAST_1,
    "AP_SOUTHEAST_2" = regions$AP_SOUTHEAST_2,
    "AP_NORTHEAST_1" = regions$AP_NORTHEAST_1,
    "AP_NORTHEAST_2" = regions$AP_NORTHEAST_2,
    "SA_EAST_1" = regions$SA_EAST_1,
    "CN_NORTH_1" = regions$CN_NORTH_1,
    "CN_NORTHWEST_1" = regions$CN_NORTHWEST_1,
    "CA_CENTRAL_1" = regions$CA_CENTRAL_1,
  ) -> region

  provider <- J("com.amazonaws.auth.DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain")
  client <- J("")

  my_client <- client$standard()
  my_client <- my_client$withRegion(region)
  my_client <- my_client$withCredentials(provider$getInstance())
  my_client <- my_client$build()

  queryExecutionContext <- .jnew("")
  context <- queryExecutionContext$withDatabase(schema)
  result <- .jnew("")

  startQueryExecutionRequest <- .jnew("")

  res <- my_client$startQueryExecutionAsync(startQueryExecutionRequest)

  r <- res$get()
  qex_id <- r$getQueryExecutionId()

    qex_id = qex_id,
    results_bucket = results_bucket


#' Gather the results of an asynchronous query
#' @md
#' @param async_result the result of a call to `collect_async()`
#' @return a data frame (tibble) or `NULL` if the query results are not ready yet
gather_results <- function(async_result) {
  if (bucket_exists(sprintf("%s/%s", async_result$results_bucket, async_result$qex_id))) {
      get_object(sprintf("%s/%s.csv", async_result$results_bucket, async_result$qex_id))
  } else {
    message("Results are not in the designated bucket.")

Now, we give it a go:

# Setup the credentials you're using

# load the AWS Java SDK classes

# necessary for Simba ODBC and the async query ops
aws_region <- "us-east-1"
athena_schema <- "sampledb"
athena_results_bucket <- "s3://aws-athena-query-results-redacted"

# connect to Athena and the sample database
  driver = "/Library/simba/athenaodbc/lib/libathenaodbc_sbu.dylib",
  Schema = athena_schema,
  AwsRegion = aws_region,
  AuthenticationType = "IAM Profile",
  AwsProfile = "personal",
  S3OutputLocation = athena_results_bucket
) -> con

# the sample table in the sample db/schema
elb_logs <- tbl(con, "elb_logs")

# create your dplyr chain. This one is small so I don't incur charges
# collect_async() MUST be the LAST item in the dplyr chain.
elb_logs %>%
  filter(requestip == "") %>%
    schema = athena_schema,
    region = aws_region,
    results_bucket = athena_results_bucket
  ) -> async_result

## $qex_id
## [1] "d5fe7754-919b-47c5-bd7d-3ccdb1a3a414"
## $results_bucket
## [1] "s3://aws-athena-query-results-redacted"

# For long queries we can wait a bit but the function will tell us if the results
# are there or not.

## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   timestamp = col_datetime(format = ""),
##   elbname = col_character(),
##   requestip = col_character(),
##   requestport = col_integer(),
##   backendip = col_character(),
##   backendport = col_integer(),
##   requestprocessingtime = col_double(),
##   backendprocessingtime = col_double(),
##   clientresponsetime = col_double(),
##   elbresponsecode = col_integer(),
##   backendresponsecode = col_integer(),
##   receivedbytes = col_integer(),
##   sentbytes = col_integer(),
##   requestverb = col_character(),
##   url = col_character(),
##   protocol = col_character()
## )
## # A tibble: 1 x 16
##   timestamp           elbname requestip     requestport backendip     backendport
## 1 2014-09-29 03:24:38 lb-demo       20159        8888
## # ... with 10 more variables: requestprocessingtime , backendprocessingtime ,
## #   clientresponsetime , elbresponsecode , backendresponsecode ,
## #   receivedbytes , sentbytes , requestverb , url , protocol 

If you do try this out and end up needing to tweak it, feedback on what you had to do (via the comments) would be greatly appreciated.

I spent some time this morning upgrading the JDBC driver (and changing up some supporting code to account for changes to it) for my metis package? which connects R up to Amazon Athena via RJDBC. I’m used to JDBC and have to deal with Java separately from R so I’m also comfortable with Java, JDBC and keeping R working with Java. I notified the Twitterverse about it and it started this thread (click on the embed to go to it — and, yes, this means Twitter is tracking you via this post unless you’ve blocked their JavaScript):

If you do scroll through the thread you’ll see @hadleywickham suggested using the odbc package with the ODBC driver for Athena.

I, and others, have noted that ODBC on macOS (and — for me, at least — Linux) never really played well together for us. Given that I’m familiar with JDBC, I just gravitated towards using it after trying it out with raw Java and it worked fine in R.

Never one to discount advice from Hadley, I quickly grabbed the Athena ODBC driver and installed it and wired up an odbc + dplyr connection almost instantly:


  driver = "/Library/simba/athenaodbc/lib/libathenaodbc_sbu.dylib", 
  Schema = "sampledb",
  AwsRegion = "us-east-1",
  AuthenticationType = "Default Credentials",
  S3OutputLocation = "s3://aws-athena-query-results-redacted"
) -> con

some_tbl <- tbl(con, "elb_logs")

## # Source:   table<elb_logs> [?? x 16]
## # Database: Amazon Athena 01.00.0000[@Amazon Athena/AwsDataCatalog]
##    timestamp    elbname requestip  requestport backendip backendport
##    <chr>        <chr>   <chr>            <int> <chr>           <int>
##  1 2014-09-26T… lb-demo 249.6.80.…        5123 249.6.80…        8888
##  2 2014-09-26T… lb-demo 246.22.15…        5123 248.178.…        8888
##  3 2014-09-26T… lb-demo 248.179.3…       45667 254.70.2…         443
##  4 2014-09-26T… lb-demo 243.2.127…       14496 248.178.…          80
##  5 2014-09-26T… lb-demo 247.76.18…        6887 252.0.81…        8888
##  6 2014-09-26T… lb-demo 254.110.3…       22052 248.178.…        8888
##  7 2014-09-26T… lb-demo 249.113.2…       24902 245.241.…        8888
##  8 2014-09-26T… lb-demo 246.128.7…        5123 244.202.…        8888
##  9 2014-09-26T… lb-demo 249.6.80.…       24902 255.226.…        8888
## 10 2014-09-26T… lb-demo 253.102.6…        6887 246.22.1…        8888
## # ... with more rows, and 10 more variables:
## #   requestprocessingtime <dbl>, backendprocessingtime <dbl>,
## #   clientresponsetime <dbl>, elbresponsecode <chr>,
## #   backendresponsecode <chr>, receivedbytes <S3: integer64>,
## #   sentbytes <S3: integer64>, requestverb <chr>, url <chr>,
## #   protocol <chr>## 

The TLDR is that I can now use 100% dplyr idioms with Athena vs add one to the RJDBC driver I made for metis. The metis package will still be around to support JDBC on systems that do have issues with ODBC and to add other methods that work with the AWS Athena API (managing Athena vs the interactive queries part).

The downside is that I’m now even more likely to run up the AWS bill ;-)

What About Drill?

I also maintain the sergeant package? which provides REST API and REST query access to Apache Drill along with a REST API DBI driver and an RJDBC interface for Drill. I remember trying to get the MapR ODBC client working with R a few years ago so I made the package (which was also a great learning experience).

I noticed there was a very recent MapR Drill ODBC driver released. Since I was on a roll, I figured why not try it one more time, especially since the RStudio team has made it dead simple to work with ODBC from R.


  driver = "/Library/mapr/drill/lib/libdrillodbc_sbu.dylib",
  ConnectionType = "Zookeeper",
  AuthenticationType = "No Authentication",
  ZkQuorum = "HOST:2181",
  AdvancedProperties = "CastAnyToVarchar=true;HandshakeTimeout=30;QueryTimeout=180;TimestampTZDisplayTimezone=utc;
) -> drill_con

(employee <- tbl(drill_con, sql("SELECT * FROM cp.`employee.json`")))
## # Source:   SQL [?? x 16]
## # Database: Drill 01.13.0000[@Apache Drill Server/DRILL]
##    employee_id   full_name    first_name last_name position_id   position_title   store_id  
##    <S3: integer> <chr>        <chr>      <chr>     <S3: integer> <chr>            <S3: inte>
##  1 1             Sheri Nowmer Sheri      Nowmer    1             President        0         
##  2 2             Derrick Whe… Derrick    Whelply   2             VP Country Mana… 0         
##  3 4             Michael Spe… Michael    Spence    2             VP Country Mana… 0         
##  4 5             Maya Gutier… Maya       Gutierrez 2             VP Country Mana… 0         
##  5 6             Roberta Dam… Roberta    Damstra   3             VP Information … 0         
##  6 7             Rebecca Kan… Rebecca    Kanagaki  4             VP Human Resour… 0         
##  7 8             Kim Brunner  Kim        Brunner   11            Store Manager    9         
##  8 9             Brenda Blum… Brenda     Blumberg  11            Store Manager    21        
##  9 10            Darren Stanz Darren     Stanz     5             VP Finance       0         
## 10 11            Jonathan Mu… Jonathan   Murraiin  11            Store Manager    1         
## # ... with more rows, and 9 more variables: department_id <S3: integer64>, birth_date <chr>,
## #   hire_date <chr>, salary <dbl>, supervisor_id <S3: integer64>, education_level <chr>,
## #   marital_status <chr>, gender <chr>, management_role <chr>## 

count(employee, position_title, sort=TRUE)
## # Source:     lazy query [?? x 2]
## # Database:   Drill 01.13.0000[@Apache Drill Server/DRILL]
## # Ordered by: desc(n)
##    position_title            n              
##    <chr>                     <S3: integer64>
##  1 Store Temporary Checker   268            
##  2 Store Temporary Stocker   264            
##  3 Store Permanent Checker   226            
##  4 Store Permanent Stocker   222            
##  5 Store Shift Supervisor    52             
##  6 Store Permanent Butcher   32             
##  7 Store Manager             24             
##  8 Store Assistant Manager   24             
##  9 Store Information Systems 16             
## 10 HQ Finance and Accounting 8              
## # ... with more rows##

Apart from having to do that sql(…) to make the table connection work, it was pretty painless and I had both Athena and Drill working with dplyr verbs in under ten minutes (total).

You can head on over to the main Apache Drill site to learn all about the ODBC driver configuration parameters and I’ve updated my ongoing Using Apache Drill with R e-book to include this information. I will also keep maintaining the existing sergeant package but also be including some additional methods provide ODBC usage guidance and potentially other helpers if there are any “gotchas” that arise.


The odbc package is super-slick and it’s refreshing to be able to use dplyr verbs with Athena vs gosh-awful SQL. However, for some of our needs the hand-crafted queries will still be necessary as they are far more optimized than what would likely get pieced together via the dplyr verbs. However, those queries can also be put right into sql() with the Athena ODBC driver connection and used via the same dplyr verb magic afterwards.

Today is, indeed, a good day to query!