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The fine folks over at @ObservableHQ released a new javascript exploratory visualization library called Plot last week with great fanfare. It was primarily designed to be used in Observable notebooks and I quickly tested it out there (you can find them at my Observable landing page:

{Plot} doesn’t require Observable, however, and I threw together a small example that dynamically tracks U.S. airline passenger counts by the TSA to demonstrate how to use it in a plain web page.

It’s small enough that I can re-create it here:

TSA Total Traveler Throughput 2021 vs 2020 vs 2019 (same weekday)

and include the (lightly annotated) source:

  cache: "no-store",
  mode: "cors",
  redirect: "follow"
.then((response) => response.text()) // we get the text here
.then((html) => {

   var parser = new DOMParser();
   var doc = parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html"); // we turn it into DOM elements here

   // some helpers to make the code less crufty
   // first a function to make proper dates

   var as_date = d3.timeParse("%m/%d/%Y");

   // and, now, a little function to pull a specific <table> column and
   // convert it to a proper numeric array. I would have put this inline
   // if we were only converting one column but there are three of them,
   // so it makes sense to functionize it.

   var col_double = (col_num) => {
     return Array.from(
     doc.querySelectorAll(`table tbody tr td:nth-child(${col_num})`)
     ).map((d) => parseFloat(d.innerText.trim().replace(/,/g, "")));

   // build an arquero table from the scraped columns

   var flights = aq
            day: Array.from(
                   doc.querySelectorAll("table tbody tr td:nth-child(1)")
                 ).map((d) => as_date(d.innerText.trim().replace(/.{4}$/g, "2021"))),
            y2021: col_double(2),
            y2020: col_double(3),
            y2019: col_double(4)
        .filter((d) => !isNaN(d.y2021))

       marginLeft: 80,
       x: {
         grid: true
       y: {
         grid: true,
         label: "# Passengers"
       marks: [
         Plot.line(flights, { x: "day", y: "y2019", stroke: "#4E79A7" }),
         Plot.line(flights, { x: "day", y: "y2020", stroke: "#F28E2B" }),
         Plot.line(flights, { x: "day", y: "y2021", stroke: "#E15759" })

.catch((err) => err)


I’ll likely do a more in-depth piece on Plot in the coming weeks (today is Mother’s Dayin the U.S. and that’s going to consume most of my attention today), but I highly encourage y’all to play with this new, fun tool.

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  1. […] *** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from authored by hrbrmstr. Read the original post at:; […]

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