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It’s only been a couple days since the initial version of my revamped take on RSwitch but there have been numerous improvements since then worth mentioning.

For starters, there’s a new app icon that uses the blue and gray from the official (modern) R logo to help visually associate it with R:

In similar fashion, the menubar icon now looks better in dark mode (I may still tweak it a bit, tho).

There are also some new features in the menu bar from v1.0.0:

  • numbered shortcuts for each R version
  • handy menubar links to R resources on the internet
  • two menubar links to make it easier to download the latest RStudio dailies by hand (if you’re not using something like Homebrew already for that) and the latest R-devel macOS distribution tarball
  • saner/cleaner alerts

On tap for 1.4.0 is using Notification Center for user messaging vs icky alerts and, perhaps, some TouchBar icons for Mac folk with capable MacBook Pro models.


As usual, kick the tyres & file issues, questions, feature requests & PRs where you like.

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  1. […] by data_admin [This article was first published on R –, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page […]

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