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Regular readers will recall the “utility belt” post from back in April of this year. This is a follow-up to a request made asking for a list of all the % infix functions in those files.

We’re going to:

  • collect up all of the sources
  • parse them
  • find all the definitions of % infix functions
  • write them to a file

We’ll start by grabbing the data from the previous post and look at it as a refresher:


utils <- read_rds(url(""))

## # A tibble: 1,746 x 13
##    permsissions links owner     group      size month day   year_hr path   date       pkg   fil   file_src             
##  1 -rw-r--r--       0 hornik    users      1658 Jun   05    2016    AHR/R… 2016-06-05 AHR   util… "## \\int f(x)dg(x) …
##  2 -rw-r--r--       0 ligges    users     12609 Dec   13    2016    ALA4R… 2016-12-13 ALA4R util… "## some utility fun…
##  3 -rw-r--r--       0 hornik    users         0 Feb   24    2017    AWR.K… 2017-02-24 AWR.… util… ""                   
##  4 -rw-r--r--       0 ligges    users      4127 Aug   30    2017    Alpha… 2017-08-30 Alph… util… "#\n#' Assign API ke…
##  5 -rw-r--r--       0 ligges    users       121 Jan   19    2017    Amylo… 2017-01-19 Amyl… util… "make_decision <- fu…
##  6 -rw-r--r--       0 herbrandt herbrandt    52 Aug   10    2017    BANES… 2017-08-10 BANE… util… "#' @importFrom dply…
##  7 -rw-r--r--       0 ripley    users     36977 Jan   06    2015    BEQI2… 2015-01-06 BEQI2 util… "#' \tRemove Redunda…
##  8 -rw-r--r--       0 hornik    users     34198 May   10    2017    BGDat… 2017-05-10 BGDa… util… "# A more memory-eff…
##  9 -rwxr-xr-x       0 ligges    users      3676 Aug   14    2016    BGLR/… 2016-08-14 BGLR  util… "\n readBinMat=funct…
## 10 -rw-r--r--       0 ripley    users      2547 Feb   04    2015    BLCOP… 2015-02-04 BLCOP util… "###################…
## # ... with 1,736 more rows

Note that we somewhat expected the file source to potentially come in handy at a later date and also expected the need to revisit that post, so the R data file [←direct link to RDS] included a file_src column.

Now, let's find all the source files with at least one infix definition, collect them together and parse them so we can do more code spelunking:

filter(utils, stri_detect_fixed(file_src, "`%")) %>% # only find sources with infix definitions
  pull(file_src) %>%
  paste0(collapse="\n\n") %>%
  parse(text = ., keep.source=TRUE) -> infix_src

str(infix_src, 1)
## length 1364 expression(dplyr::`%>%`, `%||%` <- function(a, b) if (is.null(a)) b else a, get_pkg_path <- function(ctx) {  pkg_| __truncated__ ...
##  - attr(*, "srcref")=List of 1364
##  - attr(*, "srcfile")=Classes 'srcfilecopy', 'srcfile'  
##  - attr(*, "wholeSrcref")= 'srcref' int [1:8] 1 0 15768 0 0 0 1 15768
##   ..- attr(*, "srcfile")=Classes 'srcfilecopy', 'srcfile' 

We can now take all of that lovely parsed source and tokenize it to work with the discrete elements in a very tidy manner:

infix_parsed <- tbl_df(getParseData(infix_src)) # tbl_df() is mainly for pretty printing 

## # A tibble: 118,242 x 9
##    line1  col1 line2  col2    id parent token          terminal text      
##  1     1     1     1    24     1    -10 COMMENT        TRUE     #' @impor…
##  2     2     1     2    10     4    -10 COMMENT        TRUE     #' @export
##  3     3     1     3    12    10      0 expr           FALSE    ""        
##  4     3     1     3     5     7     10 SYMBOL_PACKAGE TRUE     dplyr     
##  5     3     6     3     7     8     10 NS_GET         TRUE     ::        
##  6     3     8     3    12     9     10 SYMBOL         TRUE     `%>%`     
##  7     5     1     5    49    51      0 expr           FALSE    ""        
##  8     5     1     5     6    16     18 SYMBOL         TRUE     `%||%`    
##  9     5     1     5     6    18     51 expr           FALSE    ""        
## 10     5     8     5     9    17     51 LEFT_ASSIGN    TRUE     <-        
## # ... with 118,232 more rows

We just need to find a sequence of tokens that make up a function definition, then whittle those down to ones that look like our % infix names:

pat <- c("SYMBOL", "expr", "LEFT_ASSIGN", "expr", "FUNCTION") # pattern for function definition

# find all of ^^ sequences (there's a good twitter discussion on this abt a month ago)
idx <- which(infix_parsed$token == pat[1]) # find location of match of start of seq

# look for the rest of the sequences starting at each idx position
map_lgl(idx, ~{
  all(infix_parsed$token[.x:(.x+(length(pat)-1))] == pat)
}) -> found

f_defs <- idx[found] # starting indices of all the places where functions are defined

# filter ^^ to only find infix ones
infix_defs <- f_defs[stri_detect_regex(infix_parsed$text[f_defs], "^`\\%")]

# there aren't too many, but remember we're just searching `util` functions
## [1] 106

Now, write it out to a file so we can peruse the infix functions:

# nuke a file and fill it with the function definition
cat("", sep="", file="infix_functions.R")
  getParseText(infix_parsed, infix_parsed$id[infix_defs]),     # extract the infix name
  getParseText(infix_parsed, infix_parsed$id[infix_defs + 3]), # extract the function definition body
    cat(.x, " <- ", .y, "\n\n", sep="", file="infix_functions.R", append=TRUE)

There are 106 of them so you can find the extracted ones in this gist.

Here's an overview of what you can expect to find:

# A tibble: 39 x 2
   name                 n
 1 `%||%`              47
 2 `%+%`                7
 3 `%AND%`              4
 4 `%notin%`            4
 5 `%:::%`              3
 6 `%==%`               3
 7 `%!=%`               2
 8 `%*diag%`            2
 9 `%diag*%`            2
10 `%nin%`              2
11 `%OR%`               2
12 `%::%`               1
13 `%??%`               1
14 `%.%`                1
15 `%@%`                1
16 `%&&%`               1
17 `%&%`                1
18 `%+&%`               1
19 `%++%`               1
20 `%+|%`               1
21 `%<<%`               1
22 `%>>%`               1
23 `%~~%`               1
24 `%assert_class%`     1
25 `%contains%`         1
26 `%din%`              1
27 `%fin%`              1
28 `%identical%`        1
29 `%In%`               1
30 `%inr%`              1
31 `%M%`                1
32 `%notchin%`          1
33 `%or%`               1
34 `%p%`                1
35 `%pin%`              1
36 `%R%`                1
37 `%s%`                1
38 `%sub_in%`           1
39 `%sub_nin%`          1


If any of those are useful, feel free to PR them in to (and add yourself to the DESCRIPTION if you do).

Hopefully this provided some further inspiration to continue to use R not only as your language of choice but also as a fun data source.

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  1. […] article was first published on R –, and kindly contributed to […]

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