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RIPE 76 is going on this week and — as usual — there are scads of great talks. The selected ones below are just my (slightly) thinner slice at what may have broader appeal outside pure networking circles.

Do not read anything more into the order than the end-number of the “Main URL” since this was auto-generated from a script that processed my Firefox tab URLs.

Artyom Gavrichenkov – Memcache Amplification DDoS: Lessons Learned

Erik Bais – Why Do We Still See Amplification DDOS Traffic

Jordi Palet Martinez – A New Internet Intro to HTTP/2, QUIC, DOH and DNS over QUIC

Sara Dickinson – DNS Privacy BCP

Jordi Palet Martinez – Email Servers on IPv6

Martin Winter – Real-Time BGP Toolkit: A New BGP Monitor Service

Job Snijders – Practical Data Sources For BGP Routing Security

Charles Eckel – Combining Open Source and Open Standards

Kostas Zorbadelos – Towards IPv6 Only: A large scale lw4o6 deployment (rfc7596) for broadband users @AS6799

Louis Poinsignon – Internet Noise (Announcing

Filiz Yilmaz – Current Policy Topics – Global Policy Proposals

Geoff Huston – Measuring ATR

Moritz Muller, SIDN – DNSSEC Rollovers

Anand Buddhdev – DNS Status Report

Victoria Risk – A Survey on DNS Privacy

Baptiste Jonglez – High-Performance DNS over TCP

Sara Dickinson – Latest Measurements on DNS Privacy

Willem Toorop – Sunrise DNS-over-TLS! Sunset DNSSEC – Who Needs Reasons, When You’ve Got Heroes

Laurenz Wagner – A Modern Chatbot Approach for Accessing the RIPE Database

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