I was socially engineered by @yoniceedee into creating today’s post due to being prodded with this tweet:
Where to see the best fall foliage, based on your location: https://t.co/12pQU29ksB pic.twitter.com/JiywYVpmno
— Vox (@voxdotcom) September 18, 2017
Since there aren’t nearly enough sf
and geom_sf
examples out on the wild, wild #rstats web, here’s a short one that shows how to do basic sf
operations, including how to plot sf
objects in ggplot2 and animate a series of them with magick
I’m hoping someone riffs off of this to make an interactive version with Shiny. If you do, definitely drop a link+note in the comments!
(If folks want some exposition here, let me know in the comments and I’ll rig up an R Markdown document with more step-by-step details.)
Full RStudio project file (with pre-cached data) is on GitHub.
library(tidyverse) # NOTE: Needs github version of ggplot2
root <- find_rstudio_root_file()
# "borrow" the files from SmokyMountains.com, but be nice and cache them to
# avoid hitting their web server for every iteration
"https://smokymountains.com/wp-content/themes/smcom-2015/js/foliage-2017.csv") %>%
sav_tmp <- file.path(root, "data", basename(.x))
if (!file.exists(sav_tmp)) download.file(.x, sav_tmp)
# next, we read in the GeoJSON file twice. first, to get the counties
states_sf <- read_sf(file.path(root, "data", "us.json"), "states", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# we only want the continental US
states_sf <- filter(states_sf, !(id %in% c("2", "15", "72", "78")))
# it doesn't have a CRS so we give it one
st_crs(states_sf) <- 4326
# I ran into hiccups using coord_sf() to do this, so we convert it to Albers here
states_sf <- st_transform(states_sf, 5070)
# next we read in the states
counties_sf <- read_sf(file.path(root, "data", "us.json"), "counties", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
st_crs(counties_sf) <- 4326
counties_sf <- st_transform(counties_sf, 5070)
# now, we read in the foliage data
foliage <- read_tsv(file.path(root, "data", "foliage-2017.csv"),
col_types = cols(.default=col_double(), id=col_character()))
# and, since we have a lovely sf tidy data frame, bind it together
left_join(counties_sf, foliage, "id") %>%
filter(!is.na(rate1)) -> foliage_sf
# now, we do some munging so we have better labels and so we can
# iterate over the weeks
gather(foliage_sf, week, value, -id, -geometry) %>%
mutate(value = factor(value)) %>%
filter(week != "rate1") %>%
mutate(week = factor(week,
as.Date("2017-11-11"), "1 week"),
"%b %d"))) -> foliage_sf
# now we make a ggplot object for each week and save it out to a png
pb <- progress_estimated(nlevels(foliage_sf$week))
walk(1:nlevels(foliage_sf$week), ~{
xdf <- filter(foliage_sf, week == levels(week)[.x])
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data=xdf, aes(fill=value), size=0.05, color="#2b2b2b") +
geom_sf(data=states_sf, color="white", size=0.125, fill=NA) +
discrete = TRUE,
labels=c("No Change", "Minimal", "Patchy", "Partial", "Near Peak", "Peak", "Past Peak"),
) +
labs(title=sprintf("Foliage: %s ", unique(xdf$week))) +
ggthemes::theme_map() +
theme(panel.grid=element_line(color="#00000000")) +
theme(panel.grid.major=element_line(color="#00000000")) +
theme(legend.position="right") -> gg
ggsave(sprintf("%02d.png", .x), gg, width=5, height=3)
# we read them all back in and animate the foliage
sprintf("%02d.png", 1:nlevels(foliage_sf$week)) %>%
map(image_read) %>%
image_join() %>%
Very cool! Also: the latest version of magick makes it possible to avoid converting to disk/png: https://gist.github.com/jeroen/1bf5dffed5f41d5f10cbfeb82c8148c8
Two things:
1] why did you use the viridis colormap? It doesn’t correspond to the changing color of leaves.
2] why did you load the viridis package for the scalefill* function? The ggplot package has the viridis colormap built into it.
1) it’s friendlier to color blind folks and does a good job showing progression 2) old habits die hard and i’m co-author of the viridis packages.
3 Trackbacks/Pingbacks
[…] been (mostly) keeping up with annual updates for my R/{sf} U.S. foliage post which you can find on GH. This year, we have Quarto, and it comes with so many batteries included […]
[…] been (largely) maintaining with annual updates for my R/sf U.S. foliage post which you could find on GH. This 12 months, we’ve got Quarto, and it comes with so many […]
[…] Fall Foliage: JavaScript/OJS EditionI’ve been (mostly) keeping up with annual updates for my R/{sf} U.S. foliage post which you can find on GH. This year, we have Quarto, and it comes with so many batteries included […]