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I’m pleased to announce that splashr is now on CRAN.

(That image was generated with splashr::render_png(url = "")).

The package is an R interface to the Splash javascript rendering service. It works in a similar fashion to Selenium but is fear more geared to web scraping and has quite a bit of power under the hood.

I’ve blogged about splashr before:

and, the package comes with three vignettes that (hopefully) provide a solid introduction to using the web scraping framework.

More features — including additional DSL functions — will be added in the coming months, but please kick the tyres and file an issue with problems or suggestions.

Many thanks to all who took it for a spin and provided suggestions and even more thanks to the CRAN team for a speedy onboarding.


  1. Would be interested in tutoring one on one using Splash? I am familiar with R, but have very basic knowledge in web scraping and feel that the information online is hard to find in one location. (Could not find any contact information).

  2. Would *you be…

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