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Once I realized that my planned, larger post would not come to fruition today I took the R⁶ post (i.e. “minimal expository, keen focus”) route, prompted by a Twitter discussion with some R mates who needed to convert “lightly formatted” Microsoft Word (docx) documents to markdown. Something like this:


Does pandoc work?

Simple document with **bold** and *italics*.

This is definitely a job that pandoc can handle.

pandoc is a Haskell (yes, Haskell) program created by John MacFarlane and is an amazing tool for transcoding documents. And, if you’re a “modern” R/RStudio user, you likely use it every day because it’s ultimately what powers rmarkdown / knitr.

Yes, you read that correctly. Your beautiful PDF, Word and HTML R reports are powered by — and, would not be possible without — Haskell.

Doing the aforementioned conversion from docx to markdown is super-simple from R:

rmarkdown::pandoc_convert("simple.docx", "markdown", output="")

Give the help on rmarkdown::pandoc_convert() a read as well as the very thorough and helpful documentation over at to see the power available at your command.

Just One More Thing

This section — technically — violates the R⁶ principle so you can stop reading if you’re a purist :-)

There’s a neat, non-on-CRAN package by François Keck called subtools which can slice, dice and reformat digital content subtitles. There are multiple formats for these subtitle files and it seems to be able to handle them all.

There was a post (earlier in April) about Ranking the Negativity of Black Mirror Episodes. That post is python and I’ve never had time to fully replicate it in R.

Here’s a snippet (sans expository) that can get you started pulling in subtitles into R and tidytext. I would have written scraper code but the various subtitle aggregation sites make that a task suited for something like my splashr package and I just had no cycles to write the code. So, I grabbed the first season of “The Flash” and use the Bing sentiment lexicon from tidytext to see how the season looked.

The overall scoring for a given episode is naive and can definitely be improved upon.

Definitely drop a link to anything you create in the comments!

# devtools::install_github("fkeck/subtools")



bing <- get_sentiments("bing")
afinn <- get_sentiments("afinn")

fils <- list.files("flash/01", pattern = "srt$", full.names = TRUE)

pb <- progress_estimated(length(fils))

map_df(1:length(fils), ~{


  read.subtitles(fils[.x]) %>%
    sentencify() %>%
    .$subtitles %>%
    unnest_tokens(word, Text) %>%
    anti_join(stop_words, by="word") %>%
    inner_join(bing, by="word") %>%
    inner_join(afinn, by="word") %>%
    mutate(season = 1, ep = .x)

}) %>% as_tibble() -> season_sentiments

count(season_sentiments, ep, sentiment) %>%
  mutate(pct = n/sum(n),
         pct = ifelse(sentiment == "negative", -pct, pct)) -> bing_sent

ggplot() +
  geom_ribbon(data = filter(bing_sent, sentiment=="positive"),
              aes(ep, ymin=0, ymax=pct, fill=sentiment), alpha=3/4) +
  geom_ribbon(data = filter(bing_sent, sentiment=="negative"),
              aes(ep, ymin=0, ymax=pct, fill=sentiment), alpha=3/4) +
  scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0.5), breaks=seq(1, 23, 2)) +
  scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,0), limits=c(-1,1),
                     labels=c("100%\nnegative", "50%", "0", "50%", "positive\n100%")) +
  labs(x="Season 1 Episode", y=NULL, title="The Flash — Season 1",
       subtitle="Sentiment balance per episode") +
  scale_fill_ipsum(name="Sentiment") +
  guides(fill = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE)) +
  theme_ipsum_rc(grid="Y") +
  theme(axis.text.y=element_text(vjust=c(0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1)))


  1. Thank you for this post, I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that I’m really appreciating the R6 series. It’s lowered my activation energy to posting small bits of info too.

    (there’s also a typo after “Yes, you read that correctly. Your”)

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  1. […] Once I realized that my planned, larger post would not come to fruition today I took the R⁶ post (i.e. “minimal expository, keen focus) route, prompted by a Twitter discussion with some R mates who needed to convert “lightly formatted” Microsoft Word (docx) documents to markdown. Something like this: to: This is definitely a job… Continue reading → […]

  2. By Can Blockchain Technology Secure Your Vote? – Cyber Security on 30 Apr 2017 at 11:51 am

    […] Once I realized that my planned, larger post would not come to fruition today I took the R⁶ post (i.e. “minimal expository, keen focus) route, prompted by a Twitter discussion with some R mates who needed to convert “lightly formatted” Microsoft Word (docx) documents to markdown. Something like this: to: This is definitely a job… Continue reading → […]

  3. […] article was first published on R –, and kindly contributed to […]

  4. […] article was first published on R –, and kindly contributed to […]

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