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I’ve updated my [metricsgraphics]( package to version [0.7]( The core [MetricsGraphics]( JavaScript library has been updated to version 2.1.0 (from 1.1.0). Two blog-worthy features since releasing version 0.5 are `mjs_grid` (which is a `grid.arrange`-like equivalent for `metricsgraphics` plots and `mjs_add_rollover` which lets you add your own custom rollover text to the plots.

### The Grid

The `grid.arrange` (and `arrangeGrob`) functions from the `gridExtra` package come in handy when combining `ggplot2` charts. I wanted a similar way to arrange independent or linked `metricsgraphics` charts, hence `mjs_grid` was born.

`mjs_grid` uses the tag functions in `htmltools` to arrange `metricsgraphics` plot objects into an HTML `

` structure. At present, only uniform tables are supported, but I’m working on making the grid feature more flexible (just like `grid.arrange`). The current functionality is pretty straightforward:

– You build individual `metricsgraphics` plots;
– Optionally combine them in a `list`;
– Pass in the plots/lists into `mjs_grid`;
– Tell `mjs_grid` how many rows & columns are in the grid; and
– Specify the column widths

But, code > words, so here are some examples. To avoid code repetition, note that you’ll need the following packages available to run most of the snippets below:


First, we’ll combine a few example plots:

tmp <- data.frame(year=seq(1790, 1970, 10), uspop=as.numeric(uspop))
tmp %>%
  mjs_plot(x=year, y=uspop, width=300, height=300) %>%
  mjs_line() %>%
  mjs_add_marker(1850, "Something Wonderful") %>%
  mjs_add_baseline(150, "Something Awful") -> mjs1
mjs_plot(rnorm(10000), width=300, height=300) %>%
  mjs_histogram(bins=30, bar_margin=1) -> mjs2
movies <- ggplot2::movies[sample(nrow(ggplot2::movies), 1000), ]
mjs_plot(movies$rating, width=300, height=300) %>% mjs_histogram() -> mjs3
tmp %>%
  mjs_plot(x=year, y=uspop, width=300, height=300) %>%
  mjs_line(area=TRUE) -> mjs4
mjs_grid(mjs1, mjs2, mjs3, mjs4, ncol=2, nrow=2)

Since your can pass a `list` as a parameter, you can generate many (similar) plots and then grid-display them without too much code. This one generates 7 random histograms with linked rollovers and displays them in grid. Note that this example has `mjs_grid` using the same algorithm `grid.arrange` does for auto-computing “optimal” grid size.

lapply(1:7, function(x) {
  mjs_plot(rnorm(10000, mean=x/2, sd=x), width=250, height=250, linked=TRUE) %>%
    mjs_histogram(bar_margin=2) %>%
    mjs_labs(x_label=sprintf("Plot %d", x))
}) -> plots

And, you can use `do` from `dplyr` to get `ggplot2` `facet_`-like behavior (though, one could argue that interactive graphics should use controls/selectors vs facets). This example uses the `tips` dataset from `reshape2` and creates a list of plots that are then passed to `mjs_grid`:

tips <- reshape2::tips
a <- tips %>%
         day=factor(day, levels=c("Thur", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"), ordered=TRUE)) %>%
  group_by(day) %>%
  do( plot={ day_label <- unique(.$day)
             mjs_plot(., x=total_bill, y=percent, width=275, height=275, left=100) %>%
               mjs_point(color_accessor=sex, color_type="category") %>%
               mjs_labs(x_label=sprintf("Total Bill (%s)", day_label), y_label="Tip %") })
mjs_grid(a$plot, ncol=2, nrow=2, widths=c(0.5, 0.5))

### Rollovers

I’ve had a few requests to support the use of different rollovers and this is a first stab at exposing MetricsGraphics’ native functionality to users of the `metricsgraphics` package. The API changed from MG 1.1.0 to 2.2.0, so I’m _kinda_ glad I waited for this. It requires knowledge of javascript, D3 and the use of `{{ID}}` as part of the CSS node selector when targeting the MetricsGraphics SVG element that displays the rollover text. Here is a crude, but illustrative example of how to take advantage of this feature (mouseover the graphics to see the altered text):

dat <- data.frame(date=seq(as.Date("2014-01-01"),
                           by="1 day"),
                  value=rnorm(n=31, mean=0, sd=2))
dat %>%
  mjs_plot(x=date, y=value, width=500, height=300) %>%
  mjs_line() %>%
  mjs_axis_x(xax_format = "date") %>%
  mjs_add_mouseover("function(d, i) {
                $('{{ID}} svg .mg-active-datapoint')
                    .text('custom text : ' + + ' ' + i);

### Postremo

If you are using `metricsgraphics`, drop a link in the comments here to show others how you’re using it! If you need/want some functionality (I’m hoping to get `xts` support into the 0.8 release) that isn’t already in existing feature requests or something’s broken for you, post a new [issue on github](

2 Trackbacks/Pingbacks

  1. By Security-Vision » New release (0.7) of metricsgraphics htmlwidget — grids & rollovers on 01 Feb 2015 at 11:07 am

    […] which lets you add your own custom rollover text to the plots. The Grid The […], Security Bloggers Network, hrbrmstr, […]

  2. By New release (0.7) of metricsgraphics htmlwidget — grids & rollovers | on 01 Feb 2015 at 2:20 pm

    […] I’ve updated my metricsgraphics package to version 0.7. The core MetricsGraphics JavaScript library has been updated to version 2.1.0 (from 1.1.0). Two blog-worthy features since releasing version 0.5 are mjsgrid (which is a grid.arrange-like equivalent for metricsgraphics plots and mjsadd_rollover which lets you add your own custom rollover text to the plots. The Grid The […] […]

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