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Daughter #2 got married to a wonderful chap yesterday. I wanted to preserve the text of my speech and blessing for them here. I know it’s on their wedding video but I’d like to archive it into the historical record as well.

Hey everyone.

I’m Bob, Victoria’s dad. Her mom, Mary, and I want to express our deepest thanks to you all for sharing in this joyous day with us, Victoria, Kyle and Kyle’s parents.

Soon, you’ll be hearing a song that I believe fully describes the foundation of Kyle & Victoria’s new life together.

A story of grace.

A story of love.

A story of new beginnings.

And, a story of individual faiths united in the One who created an entire universe to make this very day possible for this very moment for them.

Before that, I have just a few words to say to the bride, the groom and to all here.

First: Victoria.

Your mom & I have watched you grow up from a small, fragile baby girl (to audience: who’s nickname was “spud”, btw, given her potato-like appearance at birth…I’m so dead now) into a strong, dynamic, loving, caring force de majeure. When you set upon a goal, there is no subtlety; just bold determination, founded in firm convictions, demanding flawless execution.

You have a sense of justice and purpose that — at times — fills us with sheer awe, and an unwavering Faith that is both inspiring and contagious to everyone around.

For 25 years, we’ve seen your tears, but have also seen you beam with joy; we’ve seen you stumble, but have seen you get back up run as if you could literally see the angels at your side. We’ve seen your disappointments but we’ve also seen you accomplish every goal you’ve set out to achieve. All along the way, you’ve made us proud and given us incredible memories to cherish, including today.

Now, for Kyle:

We’ve had an amazing opportunity to get to know Kyle as he’s been staying with us for a good part of this year. Since we first met you, Kyle, we’ve seen you express love, kindness and respect to Victoria. We’ve caught your transfixed gazes on her as she would dive into one of her meandering, nigh-endless stories at the dinner table (yep, I was watching you :-). We’ve seen you make her paramount in your life. I’ve come to know you as a talented, intelligent, soft-spoken gentleman and have seen your Faith regularly demonstrated in action. I thank your parents for raising such a man, and — while it is difficult to let go of my “little girl” — I know I am doing so into the hand of someone who will indeed love and cherish her for their days to come.

For all of us:

While this is most definitely Kyle & Victoria’s day, each of us here has helped to shape them into who they are today. And, thankfully, our jobs are not over! Our prayer is that we will all continue to give them the love and support they so richly deserve as they turn the page to start this new chapter of their lives together.

Let us all raise a glass to the new couple:

A toast to my daughter. She was a gift from God and I will always be grateful to have been given the honor of being her father. May God continue to bless her and her new husband, Kyle. Grant them safety, love, and happiness all the days of their lives.

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