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Here’s a quick/easy recipe for soft roll dough that you can use to make dairy-free Parker House rolls, knot rolls or just plain rolls.

NOTE: It makes ~3lbs of dough. I freeze it to save time in the work-weeks. Also, weigh your ingredients. I have [this scale](

Oven at 375°F

### Ingredients

– Bread flour (750g)
– Instant, dry yeast (12g)
– Almond milk, room temperature (400ml)
– Dairy-free butter substitute, soft (I use [Earth Balance]( (75g)
– Eggs (55°F) (75g) (~2 medium)
– Sugar (I use light brown) (75g)
– Salt (19g)

### Work

1. Combine flour and yeast well with whisk. Fold in the rest of the ingredients. Use a standing mixer and mix on slow for 4 minutes and then medium for 3 minutes. You’re looking for firm + elastic dough with good gluten development.
2. Ferment the whole batch for 1 hour or until it’s doubled. I leave it in the mixer bowl, but ensure it’s quasi-ball-shaped and top it with a lid from a pot and set it on our stove with the oven at 200°F; since we live in Maine and keep our house cold in the winter.
3. Remove & shape the dough into a nice round. Let it rest on a floured surface or a board with parchment paper for 20 minutes.
4. Divide it into 50g pieces and make rounds.
5. Flour the ones you won’t be using right away and freeze them.

**For Parker House**

1. Roll out each round into an oval 3mm thick. Make sure there’s no excess flour. Fold in half length-wise. Roll to make a wedge shape that’s roughly 6mm thick to 3mm thick
2. Put on baking sheet with parchment paper giving some distance between them. Brush with fake butter or really nice olive oil. Let rise for 40m. You should be able to poke it (gently) and have it resume it’s shape.
3. Bake at 375°F in (with convection turned on if you have that kind of oven) for ~20m or until golden brown.
4. Brush with more oil or fake butter.

**For Knots**

1. Roll each round into 6-inch pieces.
2. Make a knot (you really can’t mess it up but hit up YouTube for what it looks like)
3. Arrange on a sheet pan with parchment paper.
4. If you want to, make a _room temperature_ egg wash and brush it on.
5. Let them rise for ~50m. Should be springy like step #2 above.
6. Brush again if you used egg wash.
3. Bake at 375°F in (with convection turned on if you have that kind of oven) for ~15m or until golden brown.

**For “Rolls”**

1. Ensure each round is about the same size and actually as spherical as you can.
2. Arrange on a sheet pan with parchment paper.
3. Let them rise for ~25m. Should be springy like step #2 above, above.
3. Bake at 375°F in (with convection turned on if you have that kind of oven) for ~25m or until golden brown.

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