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Vis expert Naomi Robbins did an excellent [critique]( of the [graphics]( that went along with an article on Israeli election in the Jerusalem Post.

Non-uniform and color-blind-unfriendly categorical colors and disproportionate arc sizes are definitely three substantial issues in that series of visualizations. We can rectify all of them with two new packages of mine: [waffle]( & [adobecolor]( The former provides a good alternative to pie charts (no charts at all are a good alternative to pie charts) and the latter makes it possible to share color palettes without passing long strings of hex-encoded colors.

Using [XScope]( I encoded a color-blind-friendly palette from [Brian Connelly]( and saved the palette off as an Adobe Color file (`ACO`). I then took the values from the charts and mapped each party to a particular color. Then, I made ordered and proportional waffle charts using the the values and aligned colors. The results are below:

# install.packages("waffle")
# devtools::install_github("hrbrmstr/swatches")
national_unity <- c(`Zionist Union (27)`=27,
                    `Likud (27)`=27,
                    `Kulanu (10)`=10,
                    `Shas (7)`=7,
                    `UTJ (6)`=6)
right_wing <- c(`Likud (27)`=27,
                `Kulanu (10)`=10,
                `Bayit Yehudi (8)`=8,
                `Shas (7)`=7,
                `UTJ (6)`=6,
                `Yisrael Beytenu (5)`=5)
herzog_led <- c(`Zionist Union (27)`=27,
                `Kulanu (10)`=10,
                `Shas (7)`=7,
                `UTJ (6)`=6,
                `Meretz (5)`=5)
party_colors <- rev(read_aco(""))
zion <- party_colors[1]
likud <- party_colors[2]
kulanu <- party_colors[3]
shas <- party_colors[4]
utj <- party_colors[5]
visrael <- party_colors[6]
meretz <- party_colors[7]
bayit <- party_colors[6]
nw <- waffle(national_unity, rows=5,
             colors=c(zion, likud, kulanu, shas, utj),
             title="\nNational unity government") +
  theme(plot.title=element_text(size=12, face="bold"))
rw <- waffle(right_wing, rows=5,
             colors=c(likud, kulanu, bayit, shas, utj, visrael),
             title="\nRight Wing", pad=3) +
  theme(plot.title=element_text(size=12, face="bold"))
hw <- waffle(herzog_led, rows=5,
             colors=c(zion, kulanu, shas, utj, meretz),
             title="\nHerzog led", pad=5) +
  theme(plot.title=element_text(size=12, face="bold"))
iron(nw, rw, hw)


If I knew my audience did not have color processing issues, I’d use a better palette. Regardless, these results are far better than the careless pies presented in the original story. The squares represent the same quantities in each chart and the colors also map to the parties.

Honestly, though, you could get a better idea with simple, un-tweaked base graphics bar charts:

barplot(national_unity, col=c(zion, likud, kulanu, shas, utj), main="National unity government")
barplot(right_wing, col=c(likud, kulanu, bayit, shas, utj, visrael), main="Right Wing")
barplot(herzog_led, col=c(zion, kulanu, shas, utj, meretz), main="Herzog led")


Please consider your readers and the message you’re trying to convey when developing visualizations, especially when you have as large an audience as the Jerusalem Post.


  1. I strongly prefer the bar charts. However, I do not like the fact that the value 27 for Likud in the Right Wing panel has a smaller area than the same value does for Zionist Union in the Herzog led panel. A limitation of pie charts is that they don’t show if a category has zero percent of the pie. One suggestion would be to show all parties in each panel of the bar chart with some having bars with no height; i.e., having zero values. The parties should be in the same order in each panel so that one can scan a column of bars to compare how the party did in each of the panels.

  2. I really like the “wafer chart” representation. There is one important piece of information that I miss in your charts is how each alternative coalition is related to the “magic” number of 61 – the minimal number for a coalition in the Israeli Knesset. Something like this:

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  1. By Fixing Colors & Proportions in Jerusalem Post Election Graphics | on 20 Mar 2015 at 10:20 pm

    […] Vis expert Naomi Robbins did an excellent critique of the graphics that went along with an article on Israeli election in the Jerusalem Post. Non-uniform and color-blind-unfriendly categorical colors and disproportionate arc sizes are definitely three substantial issues in that series of visualizations. We can rectify all of them with two new packages of mine: […] […]

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