While you’re waiting for the [book](http://amzn.to/ddsec) by @jayjacobs & @hrbrmstr to hit the shelves, why not head on over to the inaugural post of the [Data Driven Security Blog](http://datadrivensecurity.info/blog) & give a listen to the first episode of the [Data Driven Security Podcast](http://datadrivensecurity.info/podcast).
The Data Driven Security Blog aspires to be your go-to “how to” and “what’s new?” resource for all facets of security data science and the Data Driven Security Podcast aims to expand on the blog and showcase all the practitioners leading the way in, well, data-driven security.
We start the blog with some D3 visualizations of our book’s [github logs](http://datadrivensecurity.info/blog/posts/2014/Jan/dds-github/), and the [inaugural podcast episode](http://datadrivensecurity.info/podcast/data-driven-security-episode-0.html) gives a bit of background on Jay, Bob, the book and the goal of the podcast.
Join in the discussion on @ddsecblog, @ddsecpodcast and on [Google+](https://plus.google.com/+DatadrivensecurityInfo1/posts). If you prefer e-mail updates over Twitter and/or RSS/Atom feeds, you can also sign up for our non-spammy [newsletter](http://datadrivensecurity.info/blog/pages/subscribe.html).
We welcome all feedback, suggestions and ideas, so don’t be shy!