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Since @jayjacobs & I are down to the home stretch on Data Driven Security, I thought it would be interesting to do some post-writing pseudo-analyses of the book itself. I won’t have exact page or word counts for a bit, but I wanted to see how many R packages we ended up relying on for the examples in the chapters. It was fairly straightforward to run a grep for calls to library() or require() across all the source files, and I grouped the results into four categories: “analysis”, “core”, “munging” and “visualization”.

Since I <3 D3 circular dendrograms, I figured that would be a fun way to show the groupings. For those who dislike spinning your noggin around, a more traditional one is also presented. You'll need an SVG-capable browser to see the visualizations (below). Stay on the lookout for more "behind the scenes" posts.




  1. Using D3 to create graphs of R viz packages?! Heathen! ;)

  2. No love for “data.table”? I can’t do any work without it anymore.

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