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I had a few moments this past weekend to play with an idea for visualizing the passwords used against the honeypot @jayjacobs set up. While it’s not as informative as Jay’s weekend endeavors:

it is pretty, and it satisfied my need to make a word cloud out of useful data.

The image below is of the top 500 passwords used against the honeypot and requires an SVG-capable browser and also requires horizontal scrolling, so you can view or download it standalone if there are any issues. For those generally SVG-challenged, there’s also a slightly less #spiffy PNG version to view as well.


2 Trackbacks/Pingbacks

  1. By Cybersecurity Tips | Eat! Tech! Travel! on 15 Oct 2016 at 4:16 am

    […] Simple Passwords (via) […]

  2. […] Sources: @ddsecbook @jayjacobs […]

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