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(Sing to the tune of “Fame – Remember My name” …
Here’s some YouTube background music)

They’ve been lookin’ at me, but they never did see—
no, no trace of me did they detect;
Gave me time to collect all the data at rest.
I’ve got so much in me: LUA, zlib & sqlite3–
I can infect the USB in your hand. Don’t you know who I am?
Remember my name [FLAME]

I’ve been around forever. Capturing packets on the fly. [HIGH]
My botnet is comin’ together. When researchers see me they’ll cry. [FLAME]
I even infected Lebanon. Lit up the Middle East with my FLAME. [FLAME]
I’ve been around forever. They will remember my name.


I’m not packed up too tight (I take up 20 megabytes).
With no kill date, I’ll never stop.
Give me your mic and I’ll take all you’ve got to give.
Finding me will be tough. Too much (you’ll say ‘enough’!)
I can ride your net but not break (it). Yeah, I got what it takes.


I’ve been around forever. Capturing packets on the fly. [HIGH]
My botnet is comin’ together. When researchers see me they’ll cry. [FLAME]
I even infected Lebanon. Lit up the Middle East with my FLAME. [FLAME]
I’ve been around forever. They will remember my name.



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