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Category Archives: Metrics

Speaker: Chris Eng / Veracode

Every major infosec company publishes quarterly/yearly summary reports. Some based on survey, some based on real captured data.

Recognizing the Narrative

Every fancy looking infosec metrics report is a marketing vehicle; each has different perspectives; no consistency, but you can figure out the framing by looking at the exec summary or ToC; other times it may require real digging. Need to understand “what they are selling”. The text in the report is there to back up the narrative.


Veracode Report Narrative

  • More than 0.5 of all software failed to achieve acceptable level of security
  • 3rd party apps had lowest security quality
  • No single method of testing is accurate

(goal: use Veracode to analyze third party apps :-)


Trustwave Report Narrative

  • 2010 incident response investigations
  • attack vector evolution
  • 11 strategis initiatives for 2011

(goal: “we can help…we are good at this stuff”)

WhiteHat Report

  • Which web programming languages are most secure

(differs in goal from previous WH reports)


Bottom line: try to understand the framinggoal when reviewing the narrative


Using Stats Responsibly

Sample distribution review/discussion

normal distribution curves can still vary, but overall shape remains the same (std deviations, & avg)

bimodal distribution (two peaks)…may miss if you report only on averages

[game: Guess the Report Jeopardy! used primarily to show the pervasiveness of the use of averages]

[side-talk: discussion about different distributions by different sources]


(/me: this is very interesting)

Would a table of # of flaws per 1K lines of code per language be enough?

Would adding 1st quartike, median and 3rd quartile provide more insight?

Will this help understand the anomalies? Will it help prioritize?

How do we ensure normalized data for comparison?

[side-talk: what’s a “line of code”…same problem in app bug analysis]

[side-talk: Truth in stats: “What’s the question? What matters?”]

Can you overdo it? Yes.


[game: continued]

Power analysis can be use to determine the statisticaly significant sample size required to ensure the prob of error is acceptable.

Should you really include non-statistically significant data? “To asterisk or not to asterisk?”

It’s hard to un-see something after you see it (/me: good point)

[side-talk: show cell counts as well as %-ages; don’t use a bar chart when a crosstab is more useful]

[side-talk: we should follow guidance from social services in terms of how to present data for action]


Storytelling Via Omission

[side-talk: no report provided raw data]

What unwanted assumptions might result if the “wrong” data is included?


We need to provide access to raw data even though the majority of the population of consumers don’t want it.

Veracode will open up analytics platform to security researches ::

[side-talk: Every company that publishes a report needs to publish name and contact info of their stats person who will backup the processed & data used]

[side-talk: is “truth” really what infosec companies really want to promote in their reports? @alexhutton: isn’t that ?]

Better management through better measurement
Speakers: Wade Baker and Alex Hutton and Chris Porter

State of the industry: are we a science or pseudoscience?

  • random fact gathering
  • morass of interesting, trivial, irrelevant obs
  • variety of theories that provide little guidance to data gathering


Sources of knowledge under “risk” aggregate:

  • asset landscape
  • impact landscape
  • threat landscape
  • controls landscape


Risk Management:

Need to move from evidence-based practices (state of nature) to state of knowledge (lists, simple derived models w/ad-hoc monitoring, formal modeling) to wisdom (accomplishment, outcomes, constructs for decision making)


[side-talk: different perspectives on risk at different levels of the company]

[side-talk: science as data vs science as method…shld we have a systematic method? do methods just help acquire state of nature]


VERIS Framework

VZ A4 threat model

  • Agent: whose actions affected the asset
  • Action: what actions affected the asset
  • Asset: which assets were affected
  • Attribute: how asset was affected

set of metrics designed to describe security incidents; designed to provide a common language for describing security incidents (or threats) ina structured/repeatable manner; overall goal: foundation for risk mgmt…data driven decisions!

reduce risk; reduce spending


VERIS Community

1921 submissions to veris community since November. majority from probes and attacks. ~60 genuine incident submissions

[side-talk: why is VZ a player? mainly due to cybertrust acquisition; interesting discussion of why/how VZ views security as so important/strategic; product of converging IT & security practices]


VERIS Detailed Analysis

Chris explained some of the intricacies and digging a bit deeper. really need the slides. /me: this is why u shld have been at Metricon and not at yet-another cloud preso

“why group servers with apps instead of network devices?” – natural grouping since apps run on servers; often folks use “app” when it was really “server” – i.e. “my app got attacked” is more likely your “server got hacked”.

[side-talk: scenarios impacting assets; discussion about nuances between avail & util]

Can use this detailed analysis to map back to controls that would be relevant to this scenario (and potentially which ones failed or were missing completely)

Enables mapping of action types to identified vulnerabilities which can help prioritize actions to mitigate

[side-talk: how VZ constructs event chains for each attack]


A vision of EBRM Metrics

@alexhutton – baseball metrics view for exec dashboard. sample: frequency of incidents; peer comparison & gauge of impact :: can learn much from Jack Jones’ threat descriptions (/me: and I would argue the impact $ banding)

at the very least this will give us the ability to mature how we estimate loss value;

awesome point how this is really not like baseball: we don’t have comprehensive data like batter stats.