The Daily Plotter

One aspect of R that is the envy of many other programming language environments is the rich ecosystem of built-in tooling and supporting packages that make it possible to produce compelling charts, graphs, and even art. Teams in departments and labs across the globe reply on {ggplot2} to help craft timely views of data that help inform decision makers.

In this chapter, we’ll show how to create a “daily plotter” that reads in data that changes daily — the USGS list of recent earthquakes — and produces a world map that shows the location and magnitude of each quake.

Along the way, we’ll introduce a new “pure WebR” way to download support packages and also how to incorporate fonts into your project.

A New Way To Incorporate R Packages Into Your CLI Projects

Colin’s {webrtools} does what it says on the tin, but it has one catch: it requires a local R installation. That’s fine, since it is highly likely that folks making WebR CLI tools will have a local R installation. But, we can use WebR itself to help us gather the necessary primary and dependent packages for our project.

To help with this, I’ve made a small Node CLI tool I’ve dubbed pkgtrap. It takes a list of packages as parameters and will gather them up into a directory you specify by first installing them inside the WebR Emscripten filesystem, then syncing them to the local filesystem (this is a super-cool feature of Node-based WebR). You will need to npm install -g pkgtrap to use as a CLI tool globally.

Here’s a sample execution of from the line in the included ch-08/webr-plot/justfile:

$ pkgtrap dplyr ggplot2 sf
Mounting output directory to WebR's Emscripten filesystem…
Installing designated packages…
Downloading webR package: cli
Downloading webR package: generics
Downloading webR package: glue
Downloading webR package: rlang
Downloading webR package: lifecycle
Downloading webR package: magrittr
Downloading webR package: fansi
Downloading webR package: utf8
Downloading webR package: vctrs
Downloading webR package: pillar
Downloading webR package: R6
Downloading webR package: pkgconfig
Downloading webR package: tibble
Downloading webR package: withr
Downloading webR package: tidyselect
Downloading webR package: dplyr
Downloading webR package: gtable
Downloading webR package: isoband
Downloading webR package: MASS
Downloading webR package: lattice
Downloading webR package: nlme
Downloading webR package: Matrix
Downloading webR package: mgcv
Downloading webR package: farver
Downloading webR package: labeling
Downloading webR package: colorspace
Downloading webR package: munsell
Downloading webR package: RColorBrewer
Downloading webR package: viridisLite
Downloading webR package: scales
Downloading webR package: ggplot2
Downloading webR package: class
Downloading webR package: proxy
Downloading webR package: e1071
Downloading webR package: KernSmooth
Downloading webR package: classInt
Downloading webR package: DBI
Downloading webR package: Rcpp
Downloading webR package: wk
Downloading webR package: s2
Downloading webR package: units
Downloading webR package: sf
Downloading webR package: fs
Syncing packages to /Users/hrbrmstr/projects/webr-cli-book/support/ch-08/webr-plot/pkgs

By default, pkgtrap will default to syncing the packages to a pkg directory in the current working directory. This is intentional, since it is likely not useful outside of writing WebR CLIs or Node-based web apps.

Building Up Some Helper Utilities

We’ve removed the {webrtools} dependency from our project and are doing a bit more work with the filesystem, so let’s introduce a new utils.mjs JavaScript file that will hold some helpers for us. One of the first ones is a function that will help us make an Emscripten directory and mount a local filesystem directory to it (a step we’ve done many times, now):

export async function makeAndMount(ctx, sourceDir, webRMountPoint) {
  await ctx.FS.mkdir(webRMountPoint);
  await ctx.FS.mount("NODEFS", { root: sourceDir }, webRMountPoint);

Inside our index.mjs we’ll add a line that uses it:

await makeAndMount(webR, appDir('pkgs'), '/pkgs')

And, we’ll add one more on the JavaScript side to ensure WebR knows we have an additional place to look for packages:

await webR.evalRVoid(`.libPaths(c("/pkgs", .libPaths()))`)

It’s Fontastic!

WebR expects to find additional fonts in /home/web_user/fonts. We can bundle (TTF) fonts with our Node CLI and mount this directory. I’ve included the latest version of the Inter font, along with a fun “earthquakes” font just to show the possibilities. They’re in ch-08/webr-plot/fonts.

We’ll make use of another helper utility function appDir() which provides a shortcut to figuring out where our CLI app got installed so we can access those resources:

await makeAndMount(webR, appDir('fonts'), '/home/web_user/fonts')

Bridging Your Filesystem With WebR’s Emscripten Filesystem

It does callers of your CLI almost no good if you shunt plots to somewhere deep inside a node_modules folder they have no idea how to find. That means we need to add a way (via commander on the JS-side) to let them specify where plot output should go:

.option('-o, --output-dir <dir>', `path to output directory where plots will go (must exist)`, "./")

It defaults to the current working directory of the user if no directory is specified.

Using Local And Downloaded GeoJSON/Shapefiles

This project also has a local data folder we’ll map to WebR via:

await makeAndMount(webR, appDir('data'), '/data')

There are a couple GeoJSON files you can play with in there. We just used one of them in the project.

We also need to fetch the 24-hour magnitude 2.5+ feed from the USGS, and we do that via fetch() on the JS-side, then shunt it into a global variable that sf::read_sf() can use:

const quakesGeoJSON = await fetch("")
await webR.objs.globalEnv.bind("quakes_json", await quakesGeoJSON.text());

Finishing Up

There’s nothing special about the R script that is run, so we won’t take up any space for it here. It just does a fairly basic {sf} plot:

Change directory to ch-08/webr-plot, do an npm i -g . and you can start watching where the tremors are!

You can (and should!) take a look at the complete source code and supporting files over at the GitLab repository for this chapter.

Things To Try

Add options to let folks customize the plot, such as:

  • height/width
  • title/subtitle/caption
  • color palette
  • output filename
  • map projection

More Information

Check out the filesystem mounting Quarto source document on the WebR GitHub repository, and then poke around for more examples of how WebR deals with packages and directories.

Next Up

A big reason to use WebR in a CLI context is due to the rich statistics and machine learning ecosystem behind it. We’ll use a serialized model in the next chapter to help folks predict from the terminal.