🧪 🕸️ hrbrmstr's WebR Experiments Index
- 2023-04-18 🧪 🕸️ WebR + Vite + Glitch: Fully In-browser WebR App Development:
glitch observable-plot r webr
- 2023-04-16 🧪 🕸️ webr + lit + vite npm template:
lit lit-element lit-html pyodide r template vite webr
- 2023-04-09 🧪 🕸️ Monaco-powered WebR "REPL":
monaco-editor r repl rstats webr
- 2023-04-06 🧪 🕸️ WebR, Vite + 🦆 DuckDB via Observable's Standard Library:
duckdb duckdb-wasm observable observable-plot observable-stdlib r r-wasm rstats wasm webr
- 2023-04-06 🧪 Vite + 🦆 DuckDB via Observable's Standard Library:
duckdb duckdb-wasm observable observable-stdlib r rstats sql vite webr
- 2023-04-03 🧪 🕸️ 🫙 WebR + localForage for browser persistence of R objects:
localforage localstorage r rstats webr
- 2023-04-03 🧪 🕸️ 🐍 WebR + Pyodide + Emscripten FS:
emscripten pyodide python r rstats webr
- 2023-04-01 🧪 🕸️ Experimenting With Observable Shorthand Plots, WebR, and Lit+Vite:
lit observable-plot r rstats vite webr
- 2023-03-31 🧪 🕸️ Vite + WebR + (Pyodide) + Re-usable Lit Components:
lit lit-component pyodide python r vite webr
- 2023-03-30 🧪 🕸️ An R template/tag function for WebR:
pyodide python r tag-function template-string webr
- 2023-03-30 🧪 🕸️ WebR + Pyodide w/R sampling data that came from Python:
oython pyodide python r webr
- 2023-03-30 🧪 🕸️ Actual Minimal WebR App Shell (With Optional Pyodide Support):
pyodide python r rstats webr
- 2023-03-29 🧪 WebR & Pyodide: Another WebR Experiment:
pyodide python r rstats wasm webr
- 2023-03-27 🧪 🕸️ A more useful/practical WebR example:
arquero lit-element r rstats webr
- 2023-03-26 🧪 Vanilla JS WebR + Rollup For Smaller & Easier Deploys:
r rollup rollupjs rstats webr
- 2023-03-26 🧪 Example of using Lit with WebR and Observable Plot:
lit-element lit-html observable-plot observablehq r rstats
- 2023-03-25 🧪 🕸️ An example of using WebR with Lit components:
lit-element lit-html r rstats web-components webr
- 2023-03-24 🧪 🕸️ WebR + Reef JS version of the OG Shiny barplot demo app:
r reef rstats webr
- 2023-03-19 🧪 🕸️ 🪴 Markdown-enabled Lightweight Reactive Environment for WebR Apps:
d3 markdown-it r reef reefjs rstats wasm webr
- 2023-03-12 🧪 🕸️ A Way Better Structured WebR Demo App:
javascript-modules r rstats wasm webr
Source for the janky R script that makes this page