iptools 0.4.0 released into the wild (i.e. is hitting the CRAN mirrors today)

The [`iptools` package](https://github.com/hrbrmstr/iptools)—a toolkit for manipulating, validating and testing IP addresses and ranges, along with datasets relating to IP addresses—is flying through the internets and hitting a CRAN mirror near you, soon.

### What’s fixed?

[Tim Smith](https://github.com/tdsmith) fixed [a bug](https://github.com/hrbrmstr/iptools/issues/26) in `ip_in_range()` that occurred when the netmask was `/32` (thanks, Tim!).

### What’s new?

The `range_boundaries()` function now returns the three new fields that are pretty obvious once you see it in action:

##   minimum_ip  maximum_ip min_numeric max_numeric         range
## 1  2886860800  2886860815

They are tacked on the end, so if you were using positional or named columns previously, you’re still good to go.

We’ve added a new `country_ranges()` function to return all “assigned” CIDR blocks in a country. You just give it character vector of one or more ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes and you get back the CIDRs:

## $TO
## [1] ""  "" "" "" "" ""   
## [7] ""

This data is updated daily and there’s some session caching built-into the function to speed up subsequent calls if you forgot to save the output. You can flush the session cache with `flush_country_cidrs()` and query it with `cached_country_cidrs()`.

### What’s next?

We’re waiting until the R 3.3.0 Windows toolchain is stable to add in MaxMind ASN lookups. If there are any IP-related functions you need added, drop us an [issue](https://github.com/hrbrmstr/iptools/issues). We’re at nearly 1,700 downloads from the RStudio mirror, which (IMO) is kinda cool for such a niche package. Many thanks to all our users and one more thank you to Dirk for the `AsioHeaders` package.

### Fin

If you want some “bad” IP addresses to play around with in `iptools`, check out the [`blocklist`](https://github.com/hrbrmstr/blocklist) package, which provides an interface to a subset of the [blocklist.de](http://www.blocklist.de/en/index.html) API.

Cover image from Data-Driven Security
Amazon Author Page

1 Comment iptools 0.4.0 released into the wild (i.e. is hitting the CRAN mirrors today)

  1. Pingback: iptools 0.4.0 released into the wild (i.e. is hitting the CRAN mirrors today) – Mubashir Qasim

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